window display

[ˈwɪndo dɪˈsple][ˈwindəu disˈplei]

[经] 橱窗陈设

  • It seems like a pretty desperate measure but at least it works ; according to the agencys website 3 of the job-seekers in their window display got a job in a day or two .

    这似乎是一个孤注一掷的做法,但至少它是有效的;根据该机构的网站称,3名坐在 橱窗 的求职者在一两天内找到了工作。

  • By using an on-line window display technique and off-line reading paradigm I investigated the influence of temporal overlap and distance in the representation of temporal references during comprehension of subordinate clauses with 4 experiments .

    本研究通过4个实验,采用实时(on-line) 窗口 阅读技术和延时(off-line)探测技术来验证英语复合句中时间重叠和时间间隔对时间信息表征实时构建的加工影响。

  • Fake food is one of Japanese unique cultures and you can find them used for many places such as for the window display at restaurants .

    食物模仿是一种日本非常独特的文化,你可以在很多地方发现他的用途,譬如餐厅的 橱窗之类的地方。

  • Place these items in a prominent position in your window display .

    把这些东西摆放在 陈列 橱窗的显眼位置。

  • With the ability to track customer cell phones retailers have unprecedented access to shoppers ' habits from how frequently a customer visits a store to how long he stands at a window display before deciding whether or not to enter the shop .

    零售商现已掌握了追踪顾客手机的能力,从而能够以前所未有的方式获取顾客的购物习惯:从一位顾客造访一家店铺的频率,到他在一个 橱窗 展示站多久后才决定是否要进入店铺。

  • The development and design of remote sensing satellite data Moving Window Display System

    遥感卫星数据快 移动 系统的设计与实现

  • The software frame synchronizer and moving window display system can act as very important parts in a data recording system .

    这套软件帧同步器和移动 显示系统可以作为开发卫星接收记录系统的重要组成部分。

  • Features : Serial debugging tools to enter b window display immediately read out from the DS1302 time value .

    功能:向串口调试工具输入b, 窗口立刻 显示从DS1302读出的时间值。

  • Let 's do the window display while it 's slow .

    趁现在没客人我们先去 布置 橱窗

  • When a local photographer used her pictures in his monthly window display she was flattered .

    那时当地有位摄影师把她的照片一月一换的 橱窗 展览,她心里美滋滋的。

  • Software Frame Synchronizer and Related Technology Research of Moving Window Display for CCD Data of CBERS-2

    卫星软格式化同步器与资源卫星1号 02星CCD数据移动 相关技术研究

  • The factors of color display materials and space originality of window display are discussed and how to use art and design techniques to show perfect visual effect .

    论述了在 橱窗 展示中的色彩、陈列材质,空间创意等要素,以及如何运用艺术手段和设计技巧使商品展示出良好的视觉效应。

  • The gaily decorated window display held the best toys ever .

    装饰华丽的 展示 橱窗摆放着前所未见的、最好的玩具。

  • All the packages must be ready for window display .

    但请注意内包装的设计,所有的包装都必须适于 橱窗 展示

  • In the nuclear spectrum acquisition software compilation process using C language completed system initialization A / D conversion control DSP graphical window display Flash program download and USB communication module .

    在核谱采集软件编制过程中,采用C语言完成了系统初始化、A/D转换控制、DSP图形 窗口 显示、Flash程序的下载和USB通信等模块。

  • The functions of Chinese interface window display pulldown menu on-line help and mouse-driving make the system more convenient to operate .

    中文界面、 窗口 显示、下拉菜单、在线帮助及鼠标驱动等功能使操作更加方便。

  • The auxiliary window has characteristic of optical translucent and operational transparent which display the corresponding help note record commentary assistant information conveniently with the primary window display content .

    辅窗口具有半透明和操作透明的特性,可以很方便地基于主 窗口 显示内容显示出对应的帮助、注记、评论辅助信息等。

  • Objective To evaluate the best window display technique of pulmonary image .

    目的研究胸部CT检查的最佳肺 显示技术。

  • All the packages must be fit for window display .

    所有包装必须适合 橱窗 展示

  • Do you ever find yourself unable to walk past that local chocolate shop or mesmerized by the chocolate figures in the window display ?

    你曾经发觉自己恋恋不舍地走过本地的巧克力店或者被 橱窗 展示的巧克力人物所迷住吗?

  • To change the portlet window display option for the static page in the Properties view select the Portlet window display option and update it to the value that you want .

    为了更改静态页面的portlet窗口显示选项,您可以在Properties视图中选择Portlet window display选项,并将其更新为您想要的值。

  • Using on line window display technique the present study investigated the process of accessing backgrounded information in discourse comprehension .

    该研究采用实时 窗口 阅读技术探讨篇章阅读理解中背景信息的通达机制。

  • We want the garments to be packed for window display .

    我公司要求服装的包装便于 橱窗 陈列

  • The moving window display technique and recognition probe technique were used to investigate the instantaneous accessibility of goal-based information in long-term memory .

    采用移动 窗口技术和探测词再认技术,探讨文本阅读过程中长时记忆中目标信息的即时性通达。

  • The window display caught her eye .

    窗户 陈设引起她的注意。

  • Using the on line window display technique the present study explored readers ' construction of trait based model of character in discourse comprehension .

    采用实时 窗口 阅读技术,通过操纵特征段落性质和屏蔽段落长度两个变量,探讨人物性格模型在语篇阅读中的建构和影响因素。

  • As to blouses we use a polythene wrapper for each article all ready for window display .

    至于女衫,一件装一个聚乙烯口袋,可直接放在 橱窗 陈列

  • Using moving window display technique and recognition probes technique two experiments examined whether the lapses of time adverbs or adverbials are sufficient to time shifts in narratives and thus tested the scenarios model by Anderson and strong iconicity assumption by Zwaan .

    采用实时 窗口 阅读技术和再认探测技术,探讨了间断性时间短语与场景跨度的关系对时间转换的影响,对Zwaan提出的强印象假设与Anderson提出的场景模型进行检验。

  • If an idea for improving the window display of a nearby store occurred to me I stepped in and suggested it to the storekeeper .

    如果一天我路过一个商店,我对它的 橱窗 展柜的摆放有改进的想法,那么我会走进商店将我的想法告诉店员。