wind resistance

[wɪnd rɪˈzɪstəns][wind riˈzistəns]


  • The utility model has the advantages of high purifying efficiency small wind resistance and low noise .

    本装置具有空气净化效率高、 风阻小、噪声低的优点。

  • Reasonable wind loads is provided for the design of wind resistance of twin-tower building .

    为双塔高层建筑的 抗风设计提供了合理的风载取值。

  • The vibrator support for open aerials has the advantages of compact structure convenient installation corrosion preventive strong wind resistance good receiving effect long service life etc.

    本振子架具有结构紧凑、安装方便、防腐蚀及 风力强、接收效果好、使用寿命长等优点。

  • Because of the wind resistance you don 't need to use higher gears like you would on a dyno machine .

    由于 风阻,你不需要使用就像你在静态磨合机上时的高档位。

  • Shirts made of lycra or other form fitting material that will reduce wind resistance .

    衬衫了莱卡或其他形式装修材料,减少 阻力

  • The design is the key technology for safety control of large storage upside-down construction technology including wind torque analysis and wind resistance device .

    大型储罐倒装法施工的风力分析和 抗风装置的设计,是大型储罐倒装法施工技术安全控制的关键。

  • This general aeroelastic model can be used in wind resistance studies of other super high rise buildings .

    此通用模型,可用于其它超高层建筑的 抗风研究。

  • The self-generation electric vehicle has small wind resistance and obvious energy-saving effect during the traveling course .

    该种设置,行使过程 中风 阻力小、节能效果明显。

  • The leading car disturbs the air and does all of the work the following car ( travelling in a nice pocket with almost no wind resistance ) is not inhibited and can build up speed faster than normally possible .

    前车驱赶走了空气,后车在几乎没有 空气 阻力的空洞里行驶,从而可能获得比平常更快的速度。

  • Based on researching and analysing the experimental results the correlation formulate of equivalent heat transfer coefficient Wind resistance with fin spacing and wind speed are derived .

    采用较先进的测试手段,对波形换热器进行了试验研究在大量试验结果的基础上,得出了该换热器的当量换热系数、 空气阻力 损失与片距、风速的关系式。

  • Therefore the wind resistance of building envelope design system is very necessary .

    因此,对围护结构的 抗风设计进行系统 研究是非常必要的。

  • First off wash and wax your car & it doesn 't just look good it actually lowers the wind resistance of your vehicle .

    首先,洗车并打蜡&这不仅仅因为会让你的车看上去更漂亮,而且实际上它也能降低你爱车的 风阻

  • Summary of flue wind resistance calculations ;


  • As the application of viscous dampers in high-rise steel structure it is necessary to introduce the performance of anti-seismic and wind resistance .

    随着黏滞阻尼器在高层钢结构中的应用,需要进一步了解带黏滞阻尼器高层钢结构抗震和 抗风 性能

  • The model of system loss model caused by wind resistance and bearing friction is established based on the regression analysis of flywheel 's free brake curve .

    通过对飞轮的自由刹车曲线进行回归分析,得出由 风阻和轴承磨损等引起的系统损耗模型。

  • The Reynolds number effect of the aerostatic coefficients of Tri-component was usually neglected in the bridge wind resistance designs .

    在桥梁 抗风设计中,一般忽略雷诺数对桥梁断面静力三分力系数的影响。

  • The calculated results provide credible technical guide to construction of Runyang Bridge and ensure wind resistance safety .

    为确保大桥 抗风安全,指导施工提供了可靠的技术指导。

  • The camp support with the structure enhances the supporting force of the top cover and improves pressure resistant capabilities of wind resistance rainstorm resistance and the like .

    这种结构的帐篷支架加强了顶盖的支撑力,提高了帐篷的 抗风 能力、抗暴雨能力等抗压能力。

  • Running on a treadmill is somewhat easier physically because the ground is being pulled underneath your feet and there 's no wind resistance so that may explain the difference in the amount of calories burned .

    在跑步机上跑步身体或多或少会感觉轻松些因为你脚下的地面在被往后拉,而且没有 阻力,所以这可以解释消耗卡路里量的不同。

  • Wind resistance of long-span bridge has become a hot spot in civil engineering .

    大跨度桥梁的 抗风问题是土木工程学中的一个热点问题。

  • All the above demonstrate that wind resistance design based on topology optimization of frame-braces structure is effective and feasible .

    说明基于拓扑优化对框架-斜撑结构进行的 抗风设计是有效的,可行的。

  • The aircraft is streamlined to down wind resistance .

    飞机设计成流线 艺减少疯赌 阻力

  • Small frontal area and high stability reduce the wind resistance effectively and load of lamp pole which is advantaged for going against the wind make it safe and reliable .

    产品迎风面积小,稳定性高,有效降低了 风阻,减轻灯杆的负荷,有利于抗风,安全可靠。

  • The design of the bicycle has managed to reduce the effects of wind resistance and drag .

    这种自行车的设计成功地减少了 阻力和摩擦力。

  • Based on the test results in addition two principles of wind resistance design are proposed .

    根据试验结果,文中还建议了门座起重机 抗风设计的两条主要原则。

  • Except one example of vortex-induced vibration long-span arch bridges have no wind resistance problems .

    大跨径拱桥除了个别有涡振问题之外,还没有受到结构 抗风 性能的影响。

  • I want no wind resistance on the fuseiage .

    我要完全没有 风阻的机身。

  • A small hard ball used in playing golf ; dimpled to reduce wind resistance .

    高尔夫球运动中使用的小硬球;为减少 阻力而微凹起来。

  • A Study on Suitable Structural System of Wind Resistance for Long Span Cable-Stayed Bridges

    千米级斜拉桥纵向 作用适宜体系研究

  • The combination of wind resistance warmth and breathability provides outstanding comfort in a wide range of activities .

    同时结合 防风,保暖与透气的优良布料,使用于户外活动的范围非常广泛。