window parameter

[ˈwɪndo pəˈræmɪtɚ][ˈwindəu pəˈræmitə]

[计] 窗口参数

  • Therefore the discussion of its influence on EIT window from each kind of parameter also has the important meaning .

    因此各种 参数对EIT 窗口的影响的讨论也有着重要意义。

  • The method of developing a monitoring and controlling interface with curve display window controlling window and parameter real-time displaying window is introduced in a actural application the method of curve 's quick displaying is also introduced detailedly .

    本文以一实例介绍如何在对话框中开发具有曲线显示窗口、控制 窗口 参数实时监视窗口的监控界面程序设计方法,并详细介绍了曲线的快速显示的方法。

  • The normalized cut off frequency and the window parameter must be given in order to design the digital filters For the sake of comparison the program also provides with HANNING window HAMMING window and KAISER-widow The program is made up of module contruction .

    为设计窗数字滤波器要求给出滤波器的归一化截止频率和 参数。为便于比较,程序中还配备了HANNING窗、HAMMING窗和KAISER窗。

  • The noise change of wireless network base station after the introduction of CDMA repeater and the impact of repeater time delay on system search window parameter are analyzed testing method used here is given and suggestion on setting repeater parameter is presented .

    分析了CDMA直放站对无线网络基站产生的噪声影响和直放站时延对系统搜索 参数的影响,介绍了本文所采用的测试方法和直放站工程参数设置建议。

  • By subtracting water vapor data from IR window data the parameter DT is obtained .

    用红外 区资料减去水汽资料,得到 参数DT,并结合红外 区云图资料和地面观测资料,讨论了DT与局地降雨过程及降雨量之间的关系。

  • Works only with secondaryWindow ; Popup window ignores this parameter .

    只对secondaryWindow起作用,Popup window忽略这个 参数

  • Studies show that according to the power signal 's characteristic that the fundamental amplitude is much higher than that of the harmonics Hanning Window is more suitable for the analysis of electrical signals and the computing formula for the harmonic parameter estimation are given as well .

    电网信号的基波幅值远大于各次谐波幅值,分析表明,Hanning 比较适合分析电网信号,同时给出了基于 Hanning窗的电网谐波幅值、频率和相位的显式计算公式。

  • The lock window is controlled by the visibility timeout parameter which you can configure on a queue-by-queue basis .

    锁定 窗口由可见性超时 参数控制,您可以给每个队列配置该 参数

  • This paper studies the window parameter selection of short-time Fourier transform ( STFT ) with Gaussian window in detection of linear FM signals .

    研究了高斯窗短时傅里叶变换对线性调频信号检测的 窗口 参数的选择。

  • Delay Estimation and Search Window Parameter Setting of Forward Pilot Channel during Soft Handoff

    软切换中前向导频信道的时延估计与搜索 参数设置

  • In the Edit Parameter window name the parameter Selected team areas .

    在EditParameter 窗口中,将 参数命名为选择的团队区域。

  • Compared with the other window functions Kaiser function was chosen for the FIR filter . This allows trade-off between transition bandwidth and stop-band attenuation by changing the shape parameter β . index ;

    根据FIR滤波器指标,比较选取kaiser函数作为滤波器的 函数,选择合适的形状 参数β来折衷滤波器对过渡带宽和阻带衰减的要求;

  • This paper studies the stability of Weyl-Heisenberg frames for L2 ( R ) with compact support with respect to perturbation of window function shift parameter modulation parameter and their combination .

    本文研究了L~2(R)上具有紧支撑的Weyl-Heisenberg框架分别对 窗口函数、平移 指标、旋转指标以及多项混合摄动的稳定性。

  • Through on-line updating the R matrix with receding window the new prediction model parameter matrices are obtained . By comparing the prediction error before and after updating it considers whether or not to update the prediction model .

    利用滚动 窗口在线更新R阵,得到新的预测模型 参数矩阵,通过比较更新前和更新后的预测误差来决定是否更新预测模型。

  • A novel recursive subspace method is developed based on fixed length moving window ( FLMW ) projection approximation used for estimating the modal parameter of linear time-varying structural system .

    给出了一个新的用于线性时变参数结构系统模态 参数识别的基于固定长度平移 投影估计的递推子空间方法。

  • In the paper online identification based on time window and least square support vector machine ( LSSVM ) for T-S model is proposed including structure and parameter identification .

    本文提出了基于时间 的最小二乘支持向量机T-S模型在线辨识算法,包括结构辨识和 参数辨识。

  • In the Parameters window select Pass data item value as the method to link the parameter JOBID of the JobDescription report to a value of the row in the list .

    在Parameters 窗口中,选择Passdataitemvalue作为一种方法,将JobDescription报告的 参数JOBID连接到列表中的行的值。

  • Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the window name ( the window 's title ) . If this parameter is NULL all window names match .

    指向一个指定了窗口名( 窗口标题)的空结束字符串。如果该 参数为空,则为所有窗口全匹配。

  • Computer simulating results have shown that it is a good method to track and to analyze FH SS signal by using STFT if a proper window function with proper parameter is selected .

    计算机模拟结果表明,选择合适的 窗口函数类型和窗口 参数,利用STFT进行跳频信号的跟踪、分析,可取得较好的效果。

  • The characteristics of component and design process are researched . The main analysis module 、 communication module and Matlab simulation module are integrated systematically by component window show receiving and providing of asynchronous notification event and asynchronous callback of parameter . 4 .

    研究了组件的特点和设计过程,运用组件、 窗体显示、异步通知事件的提供与接收、 参数的异步回调等技术对系统主模块与通讯控模块和Matlab理论分析仿真建模模块进行了系统集成。

  • A Research of Split Window Algorithm Based on MODIS Image Data and Parameter Determination

    基于MODIS影像数据的劈 算法研究及其 参数确定

  • By the effect of circuit acceptability region larger sampling in this paper a Gausian Window model of circuit performance restraint mapping in element parameter space is proposed .

    本文由大样本抽样效应,提出了电路可接受域的正态 模型,导出了电路指标约束在元件 参数空间映射的正态窗函数;

  • Considering the problem of frequency measurement designed a digital filter based on Hanning window Realized the fundamental Parameter Extraction under the situation of containing harmonic component effectively .

    针对非工频电源的频率测量问题,设计了基于Hanning 的数字滤波器算法,有效地实现了在含谐波分量情况下非工频电源基波 参数的提取。