wind girder

[wɪnd ˈɡə:dɚ][wind ˈgɜ:də]


  • With a sea-crossing bridge as background on the basis of wind tunnel test this paper focuses on the steady aerodynamic characteristic of the main girder as well as the flutter characteristic of the main girder .

    本文以某跨海大桥为背景,在 风洞试验的基础上,着重研究了其主梁断面的空气静力特性, 主梁断面的颤振特性,识别了主梁断面的颤振导数。

  • Through this study the wind resistant characteristics of cable-stayed bridge with single cable plane and combined girder are recognized more clearly and the computing theories and methods of bridge response of static wind and buffeting are understood .

    通过本项研究,加深了对单索面结合 斜拉桥 抗风性能的认识,初步掌握了桥梁静风响应、尤其是抖振响应的计算原理和方法。

  • Generally speaking the construction environment of bay bridges is harsh especially in the large wind speed and unsteady wind regime which brings unfavorable influence to the construction of steel box girder and stay cables of the Long-span Cable-stayed Bridge .

    跨海湾大桥一般施工环境比较恶劣,尤其是风速比较大,且 况极不稳定,对大跨度 拉桥的施工带来了很不利的影响。

  • Numerical wind tunnel technology is used to analyze the aerostatic coefficients of the vehicle the bridge girder and the vehicle-bridge girder system model . The wind stochastic field of Ji Jiang Yangtze River Bridge is simulated numerically . 4 .

    采用数值 风洞技术对列车、 主梁及列车&主梁系统模型的三分力系数进行计算;对几江长江大桥桥址处的随机风场进行了数值模拟。

  • The combination of numerical approaches and the wind tunnel tests will makes it possible to successfully evaluate the flutter stability of bridges girder cross-section .

    采用本文所 阐述的数值模拟方法和 风洞试验结果相结合,两者相互验证,可更准确地对桥梁 主梁截面的颤振稳定性进行评估。

  • The results showed that the non-symmetric parameters and the size of wind field had a great impact on the displacement deformation of the main girder .

    结果表明,风 非对称参数和 场的大小对 桥梁 主梁的位移变形有很大的影响,如果不考虑 风速的水平分布不均匀性,计算的位移变形就会偏大。

  • The electrochemical corrosion in the wind girder of insulated oil tank produced due to the accumulated sour rainwater .

    保温油罐 风圈及罐底板外根部因酸雨聚和形成电化学腐蚀。

  • Effects of the connection of the column of saw-tooth triangular truss and the wind tunnel girder on the structure

    锯齿型厂房三角架立柱与风道 大梁的连接对结构的影响陈 化库对现代砖厂厂房柱基础的影响

  • The main contents and achievements of this thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) Numerical analysis on aerodynamic performance of wind barrier-train-simply supported box girder system is carried out .

    主要概况为以下两个方面:(1)开展了 风障-列车-简支箱 系统气动性能的数值模拟分析。

  • Some views about aseismic standard and anti wind analysis are put forword . Anti wind stability was proved in the flutter experiment of the main girder model .

    并对抗震标准和抗风分析提出了一些看法,其中 抗风稳定性在 主梁 模型颤振试验中得到了验证。

  • Section model wind tunnel test is one kind of effective method to estimate vortex-induced vibration ( VIV ) response of long span bridge girder .

    节段模型 风洞试验是预估大跨度桥梁 主梁涡激振动响应的有效途径之一。

  • The wind erosion of plough land in bottomland is52.96 % more than girder land and they are diversity markedness .

    滩地耕翻地的 风蚀沉积量比 梁地耕翻地高52.96%,且二者差异显著。

  • Countermeasures against the Corrosion and Perforation of Wind Girder of Insulated Oil Tank

    保温油罐 抗风 腐蚀穿孔的修复及改造

  • Riding-cable crane located at high altitude where the wind speed is much higher than that of deck will frequently suffer the action of strong wind so its parameters of wind resistant design are much greater than that of main girder .

    由于缆载吊机处于比桥面风速高出许多的高空,将经常遭遇强风作用,因此其 抗风设计参数要显著大于 主梁的值。

  • The self-excitation force haves some influence on bridge buffeting ; In designed fiducially wind speed continuous rigid frame bridge with high pier and long-span girder have obvious non-linear characteristics .

    考虑自激力对桥梁抖振响应有一定影响,在设计基准 风速下高墩大跨连续 刚构桥表现出明显的几何非线性行为。

  • Wind Resistant Performance Analysis and Experimental Study of Stiffening Steel Girder of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridges

    自锚式悬索桥钢加劲 抗风性能分析与试验研究

  • REASONABLE COMPUTATION SCHEMA FOR EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT ANALYSIS OF THE SYSTEM CONSISTING OF TRANSMISSION LINE AND ITS SUPPORTING TOWERS Effects or the Conneetion of the Colume of Saw-tooth Truss Triangular Truss and the Wind Tunnel Girder on the Structural Scheme

    输电塔-电缆体系的合理抗震计算简图锯齿排架三角架立柱与 风道 大梁的连接对结构计算简图的影响

  • Using computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) method we studied the critical flutter wind speed of bridge box girder with or without central slot . The results show that the shape of section head and width of slot have large impact on the effect of slot .

    用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法研究了箱 桥梁 断面中间开槽前后颤振临界 风速的变化,结果表明中间开槽的效果与断面头部形状和开槽宽度有密切关系。

  • A wind load model of CRFB with HFTP at erection stages was employed taking into account all wind effects on girder and piers .

    采用既考虑脉动 又考虑了结构尾流中的 漩涡脱落引起的脉动 荷载的三维风荷载模型。