



  • The paper deals with the design of hydraulic rope-aligning device of dispatching winch used for mine transportation .

    针对调度 绞车在现场使用中存在跳绳、绳的问题,提出了 调度绞车液压排绳装置的设计研究。

  • By studying the transport winch system structure a pare of manual brakes are designed and its structure and function are introduced later .

    在研究了运输 绞车系统结构的基础上,为绞车设计了一对手动制动闸。

  • How Often and how hard will you probably use the winch ?

    如何,往往和如何努力将您可能使用 绞盘

  • The motor of this cargo winch rotates too quickly . It needs readjusting .

    这台 起货 的马达旋转太快,需要重新调整。

  • Describes the calculations needed to choose the optimum motor wheel and winch sizes .

    描述选择最优马达、轮和 绞盘尺寸所需的计算。

  • The power pack of the mooring winch is placed in the steering gear room on the main deck .

    流体动力 推进装置系泊 绞车的动力装置位于主甲板上的舵机室内。

  • Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear ( windlass 、 mooring winch ) .

    后部液压遥控操舵装置舵机(机、 )压系统安全装置调整。

  • The crew members were winched to safety by helicopters .

    船员们被直升机 到安全的地方。

  • With the addition of a winch the demand on your electrical system can exceed the system 's capabilities itself .

    与另外一个 绞车,需求对您的电气系统可超过该系统的能力本身。

  • We call it a winch . it 's what we use to tighten the sails .

    我们管它叫 绞盘,用它来拉紧船帆。

  • This particular day seemed to emphasize the difficulty through one particular system failing : winch and winch rope .

    这个特殊的日子似乎在强调通过一个特定系统的困难,失败的: 绞盘,绞盘绳索。

  • Study on Hydraulic Control System of Press Tension Device of Hydraulic Winch

    液压 绞车张紧装置液压控制系统的研究

  • It 's an amphibious vehicle which has a winch and a water cannon .

    它是一种水路两栖载具,所以 配备绞盘和水炮。

  • How long has your company been selling the winch of above mentioned brand name ?

    贵公司销售上述品牌 绞盘多长时间了?

  • Then you have to factor in the costs of accessories and mounting options that go along with a winch .

    那么你必须考虑到成本,配件和安装选项,去随 绞车

  • Active heave compensation tests of ROV indicate that non-linearity of hydraulic winch decreases the efficiency of active heave compensation .

    水下机器人主动升沉补偿实验表明液压系统的非线性降低了液压 绞车主动升沉补偿前馈控制的升沉补偿效率。

  • We want to buy Material Handle Equipment Machine Tools Winch Hoist Chain Hoist Machine Tools .

    我们要采购材料处理设备,机床, 绞车提升链提升机床。

  • We need ATV winch in large quantity only manufacture contact us pls .

    我们寻找ATV的汽车 绞盘,我们需要的量很大,请制造商与我们联系。

  • He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank

    他会把钢丝绳拴在汽车底盘上, 卷扬机把汽车吊到运河岸上。

  • They used a winch to lift the car .

    他们用 绞车吊起汽车。

  • A desk winch may carry out the requirement of holding the load from moving back .


  • If you winch all day long then consider a Hydraulic winch .

    如果您 绞车所有一天,然后考虑液压绞车。

  • This is a motor hoist ( winch ) with low ( high ) wrapping speed .

    这是低(高)速电动卷扬机( 绞盘)。