win initiative

[wɪn ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][win iˈniʃiətiv]


  • One diplomatic priority for instance is helping Chinese companies win oil and commodities projects overseas the sort of initiative that is by its nature unilateral .

    例如,中国的外交优先任务之一,是帮助中国企业 赢得海外石油和大宗商品项目,这种 做法 注定是单边性质的。

  • While discuss a waste heat of smoke boiler water circulation the suggestion is in win smally turn a heat of system having the initiative to choose with the natural circulatory system that system safety credibility circulate the expenses low .

    在讨论 烟道余热锅炉水循环时,建议在中小转炉系统中, 优先选用自然循环系统,该系统安全可靠,运行费用低。

  • As far as the U.S. concerned it is mainly aimed to guarantee and maintain its global hegemony and win the initiative in the economic globalization and maximize its interest in the Post-Cold War Era .

    对美国而言,力求确保和维护全球霸权地位和在经济全球化中 赢得 主动地位并获取最大利益是其冷战后全球战略的中心和目标。

  • In rapidly changeable market a single enterprise hardly seizes the transient opportunity to win initiative in the intense competition .

    在迅速多变的市场中,单一的企业很难快速响应市场以抓住稍纵即逝的机会,从而在激烈的竞争中 赢得 主动

  • Only by constantly strengthening and expanding businesses can we win the initiative in the market become invincible in the fierce tide of market economy and create greater wealth for shareholders employees state and society .

    企业只有不断做强做大,才能 赢得市场的 主动 ,才能在激烈的市场经济大潮中始终立于不败之地,才能为股东、职工、国家和社会创造更大的财富。

  • In order to win the initiative of market competition domestic logistics enterprises must create their own brand .

    由此可见,国内物流企业必须打造自己的品牌,才能 赢得市场竞争的 主动

  • China railway construction group adornment company want to grasp the overall situation and win the initiative sustained development need to work out a not only adapt the market requirement and in conformity with the development strategy of the enterprise reality .

    中铁建工集团装饰公司想要把握 大局,持续发展就需要制定一个既适应市场要求又符合企业实际的发展战略。基于此,本文 提出了中铁建工装饰公司的发展战略研究问题。

  • Overview of the world advanced military culture has increasingly become an army to strengthen military soft power to win a major initiative in support of the military .

    纵览当今世界,先进的军事文化越来越成为一支军队增强军事软实力、 赢得军事 主动 的重要支撑。

  • During participating in the international competition we must catch hold of the opportunity to develop advanced manufacturing energetically combining with the state of our country in order to win the initiative of the 21st century international competition and adapt to the great complicated change of society .

    我国在参与国际市场竞争的过程中,必须抓住机遇,适应市场错综复杂的巨大变化,结合我国国情,大力发展先进制造技术,在迈向21世纪的国际竞争中 争取 主动

  • The using of the defensive fake action enriches the personal defense motion skills improves personal defense ability accordingly win the initiative in the games .

    防守中假动作的运用丰富了个人防守技术动作,提高了个人防守能力,从而 赢得了比赛的 主动

  • When trying to win over feudal landlords we should guard against their counter-attacks . Special efforts should be made to persuade the masses to take the initiative to unite with the landlords . move or draw together at a certain location .

    在拉的时候,要防止 地主的反攻,特别要教育群众 自动地去团结地主。在特定地点集合或团结在一起。

  • Which country lays special stress on training and educating the next generation it can win the initiative in the future competition .

    哪个国家重视培养下一代,哪个国家就能够在未来的竞争中 赢得 主动

  • Armed with the weapon of generally correct direction we can win more battles and transform our inferiority into superiority and our passivity into initiative .

    我们有了这个一般地正确的指导做武器, 就能多打胜仗,就能变劣势为优势,变被动为 主动

  • Those enterprises which can master the opportunity of MA win the commanding height and initiative in market competition though there are few enterprises which realize the expected objective of MA .

    谁能把握并购良机, 赢得市场竞争中的制高点和 主动 。但实现并购活动的预期目标的企业并不如期望那么多。

  • Win the operating system to load the terminal services software systems ; both camera GPS location services initiative camera and other auxiliary functions were tested to land and resources management modernization and socialization of Land and Resources Information Service .

    win操作系统,用以加载终端业务软系统;同时具有拍照、GPS 主动位置服务、摄像等辅助功能进行了测试,达到国土资源管理现代化和国土资源信息服务社会化。

  • In the network information age we must make full use of network technology seek its advantages and avoid its disadvantages and strengthen online political and ideological work so as to win the initiative in this regard .

    在信息网络时代,思想政治工作必须 主动出击,充分利用信息网络技术,加强网上思想政治工作, 趋利避害,努力 掌握思想政治工作的 主动

  • Only in this way enterprise culture could adapt to the mainstream of the current time and win the initiative .

    只有这样,企业才能顺应时代主流, 赢得 主动

  • But as printing market develop and standardize constantly the obvious opportunity become less only those have sharp eyes the preparative printing enterprise could find the potential demand could win the first chance obtain the initiative of the competition .

    但是随着印刷市场的不断完善和规范,一眼就能看到底的机会越来越少,只有那些目光敏锐,有准备的印刷企业才能发现潜在的需求, 赢得先机,取得竞争的 主动

  • Grasp the enemy and selves characteristic flexible application strategy and tactics ability in fighting against terrorism only when objective analysis is accurate fight with middle win initiative .

    只有客观分析、准确把握敌我特点,灵活运用战略战术才能在反恐斗争中 赢得 主动

  • In modern war fighter plays very important role . In order to win the initiative in future air war every country pays more attention to development of high performance fighter .

    战斗机在现代战争中具有很重要的作用,为了在未来空战中 获得 主动 ,各国都非常重视高性能战斗机的研制和发展。