

[化] 线材

  • Research of new device for wire-rod production cleaning


  • Discussion on repeater turning curve in wire-rod mill

    线材 棒材轧机围盘拐弯曲线的探讨

  • Application of the Fuzzy Self-Tuning PID Control Technique to the Control System of Looper of Wire-rod Mill

    模糊自校正PID控制技术 在线 活套控制中的应用

  • The technology equipment and technical parameters of high speed wire-rod mill in Zhangjiagang with the highest technical level in the world are introduced .

    介绍了具有当前世界 线材轧机最高水平的张家港高速 线材轧机的工艺、设备情况及主要技术参数;

  • Introduction of the Chemical Cleaning and Oil Flushing for the Pipelines of the Hydraulic and Lubrication Systems in High Speed Wire-Rod Roller Mill

    高速 线材轧机液压及润滑系统管线化学清洗、汕冲洗要点介绍

  • Scaling is an important sequence of the operation in wire-rod production .

    除去 金属 表面 金属 氧化物 线材生产中一道重要工序。

  • Wire-Rod Rolling Mill Train for Alloy Steel Being Built at Dalian Iron & Steel Group Co Ltd

    大连钢铁(集团)公司新建的合金钢 线材机组

  • Failure Research of the Inputting Shaft for the High Speed Wire-rod Finishing Mill in Chang Gang

    长钢高速 线材精轧机 输入轴断裂失效研究

  • Modification of the pass schedule of the wire-rod mill


  • In high speed wire-rod mill guide roller is the main consumption tool excellent wear resistance adhering steel resistance and hot fatigue resistance are required .

    导辊是高速 线材轧机上的主要消耗工具,要求高耐磨性、抗粘钢性和热疲劳抗力。

  • The main characteristics of the wire-rod rolling mill train being built at Dalian Iron & Steel Group Co Ltd including the layout arrangement product grade and size delivery specification on-line con-trol rolling and cooling procedure are briefly presented in this article .

    简介正在建设中的大连钢铁(集团)公司 线材轧机 组成及其布置形式、产品品种、规格和交货形态,以及在线实施控轧、控冷 缓冷、速冷等)的主要特点。

  • Analysis on metal deformation of high-speed wire-rod mill during reducing and sizing rolling

    高速 线材轧机减定径机组轧件变形分析

  • Highly effective scaling method and device for wire-rod production

    高效 线材 鳞方法及装置

  • Technical configuration management of complex products the technical configuration and applying condition for rough & intermediate rolling guides in high speed wire-rod rolling mill of GISE

    复杂产品的技术状态管理广钢 高线粗、中轧导 工艺配置及使用状况

  • When Baosteel high-speed wire-rod mill went into operation its most products'size accuracy could not come up to the designed value for some faults in the pass schedule design .

    宝钢 高线轧机在开工初期,由于高速区孔型系列设计存在缺陷,多数线材成品精度一直达不到设计要求。

  • In the process of high speed wire-rod milling micro-tension and automatic loop control are usually used to assure the precision of wire sectional size and to increase the productivity and the wire quality .

    在高速 线材 生产中,大都采用微张力和自动活套控制,以保证 材断面尺寸精度,提高生产效率和产品质量。

  • In this paper study high precision wire-rod two-roll straightening / polishing machine and it analyze the principle roller-curve relation between the roller-characteristic and installation angle of two-roll straightening / polishing machine .

    本论文全面地研究了剥皮机组中的高精度 线材两辊滚光矫直机,分析了两辊矫直机的原理,辊型曲线,辊型特点与安装角等方面的关系。

  • Development of wire-rod used for high-strength pre-stress steel rod

    高强度预应力 PC 钢棒用 盘条的开发

  • Developing advantages and Practice for Angang high-speed wire-rod varieties

    安钢 高线品种开发的优势与实践

  • Fault Diagnosis of the Drive System of the Finishing Mill Train at the High-Speed Wire-Rod Mill

    高速 线材厂精轧机组传动系统的故障诊断

  • The design of the flying shear located behind the roughing stands of wire-rod mill


  • The study and Analysis on fluctuating of loop length for high speed wire-rod

    高速 线材 套套量波动的研究和分析

  • Application of Fuzzy Controller to Computer Control System for Looper of Wire-Rod Mill

    模糊控制器 在线 活套计算机控制系统中的应用

  • Discussion on pass system of roughing mills of continuous bar or wire-rod mill

    连续棒 线材轧机粗轧机组孔型系统的探讨