with caution

[wɪð ˈkɔʃən][wið ˈkɔ:ʃən]


  • Retry needs to be used with caution and with the knowledge of the transactionality and idempotence of the provider .

    应用重试 需要 十分 小心,并且 了解提供者的事务性和幂等性。

  • Yet the narratives woven by historians over the past 100 years must be treated with caution .

    然而我们必须 谨慎 对待历史学家对过去100年编织的故事。

  • Incidence rates provided in this report should be interpreted with caution due to the small sample size .

    发病率在本报告中提供的应 谨慎,由于小样本解释。

  • If Brown follows his predecessor to Tuscany or Barbados he must dress with caution .

    如果布朗追随他的前任也去托斯卡纳或巴巴多斯,他一定 小心衣着。

  • Even the researchers on this study say the findings should be taken with caution .

    即使是参与这项研究的研究人员也说应 对研究结果。

  • This module should be used by system administrators with caution as it provides no real authentication .

    系统管理员应该 慎用此模块,因为它并没有提供实际的验证。

  • Drive with caution !


  • Not superfast so use with caution .

    不快,所以 慎用

  • We have to tell you that you should regard their request for credit with caution .

    我们不得不告诉你 对待他们的信贷请求 谨慎

  • Like all statistics the UIS figures must be taken with caution .

    和所有的统计数字一样,UIS的数字也必须 谨慎 对待

  • Use this technique with caution as some browsers can 't handle it typically older browsers .


  • GPT fdisk is very new and immature however so you should use it with caution .

    但是,GPTfdisk非常新并且不成熟,您必须 谨慎

  • So one should proceed with caution when promoting users and be aware of their increased privileges .

    因此,当一个人,提升一个用户的用户 级别的时候,应该 注意这个用户增加的特权。

  • Conclusion : Type-casting can be done but with caution .

    结论:可以执行类型转换,但是 谨慎

  • So if you are adopting Agile in a non-agile environment you may need a blocker-but do so with caution .

    因此,如果你在一个非敏捷环境中采用敏捷,你可能需要一个屏蔽者&但必须 谨慎

  • Lignocaine should be used with caution in patients with bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome .

    患有心搏徐缓-心搏过速综合征的患者中应 慎用利多卡因。

  • Be sure to act with caution at this juncture .

    在这茬口上办事可 千万 小心谨慎

  • You should treat this new evidence with caution .

    你应该 谨慎对待这个新证据。

  • For that reason people in a foreign culture must use gestures with caution .

    因此,处在外国文化中的人必须 小心 使用手势。

  • Note : Recursive logic should be used with caution especially if there are circular references within user groups .

    注意: 小心 使用递归逻辑,尤其在用户组中存在循环引用时。

  • Given that the market is in its infancy such estimates should be treated with caution .

    考虑到这一市场还处于发展初期,应当 谨慎 对待上述估计。

  • Or should business leaders proceed with caution given that more bad economic news could emerge at any time ?

    或者鉴于更多不利的经济消息仍有可能随时出现,企业领袖应该 谨慎 行事

  • The adjusting role of circulation market should be given full play and state intervention should be used with caution .

    另外,应充分 尊重和发挥流通市场的调节作用, 慎用国家直接干预方式 治理 通胀

  • Do it in haste but with caution .

    赶快做这件事情但是 小心

  • In many environments this causes additional issues thus you should use this option with caution .

    在许多环境中,这将引起更多的问题,因此您应当 谨慎使用该选项。

  • This might cause some security concerns in certain scenarios so use it with caution .

    这可能会导致特定场景下的一些安全性问题,所以您 慎重 对待它。

  • The authors pointed out that the results should be interpreted with caution .

    作者们指出,对这一现象进行解释 特别 谨慎

  • I sat down automatically watching him with caution .

    我机械地坐下来, 警惕 盯着他。

  • The message was one of hope mingled with caution .

    这条消息是希望 警告交织在一起的。