with exchange

[wɪð ɪksˈtʃendʒ][wið iksˈtʃeindʒ]


  • This was a good opportunity to use English with the exchange of my thoughts !

    这可是一个好的机会用英文 大家 交流我的思想!

  • State coffers are almost empty with foreign exchange reserves down to one month of import cover .

    国库接近空虚, 外汇储备下降至只够覆盖1个月的进口。

  • But it is hard to imagine the countries with floating exchange rates tolerating such a shift for long .

    但难以想象的是,实行浮动 汇率制的国家会长期容忍这种转移。

  • This extraordinary transformation was the result of a complex set of policies with exchange rates having played only a minor role .

    这种非同寻常的转变,是一系列复杂的政策组合的结果, 汇率只在其中扮演了很小的角色。

  • It intensifies inflation risk in those emerging economies with undervalued exchange rates .

    它在那些 汇率低估的新兴经济体加剧了通胀风险。

  • China Party will contribute with equipment and cash investment while Foreign Party with spot exchange investment .

    中方以现金和设备投入,外方均 现汇投入。

  • WHO also provided us with researcher exchange opportunities and training .

    世卫组织还向我们 提供了研究人员 交流和培训机会。

  • It 's been difficult with the exchange rate .


  • I paid with Foreign Exchange Certificates and returned to the Peace Hotel .


  • Another banker present at the meeting with exchange officials said trading on bond futures could happen within the next six months .

    另一位参与此次会议的银行业人士称,未来六个月之内商业银行可能就会启动债券期货 交易

  • With flexible exchange rates markets force countries to devalue which reduces their current account deficits .

    浮动 汇率中,市场力量迫使国家贬值货币,这将减少这些国家的经常账户赤字。

  • It is often associated with exchange traded funds ( ETFs ) and swaps .

    这种交易往往牵涉到 交易所交易基金(ETF)和互换合约。

  • Others believe that Beijing has ample resources to avoid a crisis but argue that with a growth model based on infrastructure and land sales and with exchange and interest rates rigidly controlled it may not have all the necessary tools at its disposal .

    其他人认为,北京方面有充足的资源可以避免一场危机,不过他们指出,由于中国的增长模式依赖于基建和土地出售,且 汇率和利率受到僵硬控制,它也许并没有所有必要工具。

  • A Study on the Treatment of Wastewater Containing Mn ~ ( 2 + ) with Ion Exchange Method

    离子 交换处理含Mn~(2+)废水的研究

  • How fiscal policy works with flexible exchange rates is a little more complicated .

    变动 汇率 ,财政政策如何发挥作用是比较复杂的。

  • Officials would need to let go of their obsession with exchange rate competitiveness .

    官员们不需要再执 汇率竞争力了。

  • He proposed an international monetary system that would involve multiple reserve currencies with flexible exchange rates including the dollar the euro and a Renminbi made more accessible to international investors plus the use of the gold price as a reference point for currency movements .

    他提议建立一种新的国际货币体系,该体系将包括 汇率灵活波动的多种储备货币包括美元、欧元及向国际投资者开放程度更高的人民币,并以金价作为货币波动的“参照基准”。

  • Article 16 The overseas use of foreign exchange insurance funds shall lay stress on the match with foreign exchange liabilities in respect of term structure and currency structure .

    第十六条保险外汇资金的境外运用应当注重在期限结构、币种结构等方面 外汇资金的负债相匹配。

  • Most people would be completely unaware that they were communicating with an Exchange server instead of one of the open source products such as Cyrus which supports the IMAP protocol .

    大多数人完全不会注意到,他们正在 一个 Exchange服务器通信,而不是与一个开源产品(比如Cyrus,它支持IMAP协议)通信。

  • This means that the Treasury will need to draw on the fiscal reserves deposited with the exchange fund .

    即是说库务局将要提取存放于 外汇基金的财政储备。

  • I was the first exceptional exchange student who got diploma from Palmdale High School although they have been dealing with exchange students in the past two decades . I become special and exclusive .

    这样的环境助我实现了自己的梦想,我成了我校二十多年来第一位 国际 交流学生身份毕业的学生。

  • International finance is concerned with exchange rates between the moneys of various countries .

    国际金融涉及到各国货币之间的兑换 汇率问题。

  • Study on the Cascaded Process of Dynamic-Accumulation in Batch Distillation with Exchange of Liquid Phase

    间歇精馏 双塔动态累积液相 交换串联过程的研究

  • The problem with this argument is that it ignores the financial stability issues associated with large exchange rate changes .

    这个论点却忽略了大幅度的 汇率调整对金融稳定的影响。

  • Some companies are already using Evolution as a solution for allowing Linux users to access and communicate with other Exchange users .

    有些公司已经准备使用Evolution作为解决方案,以便允许Linux用户访问并 其他 Exchange用户通信。

  • Game with exchange of information
