wireless LAN

[ˈwaɪrlɪs læn][ˈwaɪəlɪs læn]


  • Performance Analysis of a Multi-Channel MAC Protocol Based on IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN

    基于 IEEE802.11的多信道多址接入协议性能分析

  • The shared connection can be an Ethernet wireless LAN or wireless WAN connection .

    提供共享的网络连接可以是以太网、 无线 局域网或无线广域网。

  • The Application of Microwave Monolithic Transmitting Receiver on Wireless LAN

    微波单片发射接收机在 无线 局域网中的应用

  • UWB is faster than current wireless LAN technologies and provides a short-range high-bandwidth pipe that eliminates interference .

    UWB比目前的 无线 局域网技术速度更快,提供了一种无干扰的短距离、高带宽管道。

  • Analysis and Design of Layer Two Tunneling Protocol for Wireless LAN

    无线 局域网第二层隧道协议分析与设计

  • Wireless LAN is a popular medium to be used for mobile networks .

    中文摘要 无线 网路是一种在行动装置上很受欢迎的媒介。

  • Research of the Dynamic MAC Protocol of Wireless LAN Distributed Coordination Function

    无线 局域网分布式协调功能动态MAC协议分析

  • Research of Wireless LAN Malicious Access Points Searching Method

    无线 局域网恶意接入点搜索方法研究

  • Open the wireless LAN PC card utility .

    打开 无线 局域网PC卡的效用。

  • Exe has many subcommands for wireless LAN .

    exe具有很多个与 无线 局域网(WLAN)相关的子命令。

  • The Concept & Application of 802 . x in the Wireless LAN

    无线 局域网中802.x的相关概念及应用

  • Software Design of Model Tank Battle System Based on Wireless LAN

    基于 无线 局域网 技术的模型坦克对战系统软件设计

  • It is used for authenticating users of wireless LAN .

    它用于认证的 无线 局域网用户。

  • A multicast MAC protocol for wireless LAN based on network coding and its performance analysis

    基于网络编码的 无线 局域网多播MAC协议及性能分析

  • Cooperate to build multimedia application prototype system e.g.video streaming over wireless lan over P2P network etc.

    合作建立多媒体应用的原型系统,如 无线 局域网和点对点网络等中的视频流;

  • This also supports music transfer through wireless LAN .

    这也支持音乐传输,透过 无线 局域网

  • Research of Wireless LAN Security Based on SSL VPN Technology

    基于SSLVPN的 无线 局域 网络安全研究

  • I 've assumed that if you have access to a wireless LAN you also have access to a wired network as a fallback .

    我假定你可以访问 无线 局域网,作为应急办法你也能访问有线网络。

  • This session presents a foundation applicable to all Mobile IP deployments including enterprise wireless LAN mobile networks and Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) 2000 .

    本课程将提供适合所有移动IP部署的基础,包括企业 无线 LAN、移动网络和CDMA2000。

  • With accomplishment of backbone network of CNGI ( China Next Generation Internet ) the technology research and product design has been focused on Wireless LAN of CNGI .

    随着CNGI(中国下一代互联网)骨干网建设全面完成,围绕CNGI 无线 局域网的技术研究和产品开发逐步成为热点。

  • The Analysis and Implementation of Intrusion Detection Theory Based on Wireless LAN

    基于 无线 局域网的入侵检测原理分析与实现

  • Currently testing a LAN wireless LAN if not capture is under study .

    目前测试基于局域网, 无线 网卡好像无法捕获,正在研究中。

  • The main content of this paper is distributed competitive channel access mechanism of wireless LAN .

    本文以 无线 局域网分布式竞争型信道访问机制为主要研究内容。

  • The computer maintenance system of subway equipments was based on hard wire and wireless LAN with the central database and methodology model base as its vital parts .

    地铁设备的计算机维修管理系统是基于有线和 无线 局域网,其中心数据库和方法模型库是地铁设备维修计算机管理系统的重要组成部分。

  • Like this Samsung Nexia a PDA with a built-in wireless LAN and a huge five-inch screen .

    就像这个三星 NEXIA,这款PDA配有内置式 无线域网以及5英寸的大显示屏。

  • With the more and more use of Wireless LAN the technique of Wireless MODEM has been developed .

    随着 无线 局域网应用的 扩展,无线MODEM技术也得到了越来越多的发展。

  • Development of AIS Data Display Terminal Based on Wireless LAN

    基于 无线 局域网的AIS数据显示终端的开发

  • The Feasible Study on Dynamic Organization and Covering of Campus Wireless LAN

    校园 无线 网络动态组织和覆盖的可行性研究

  • Research and Realization of Video Multicast in the Wireless LAN leased line

    无线 局域网上视频组播网络的研究与实现