with a heavy hand

[wɪð e ˈhɛvi hænd][wið ei ˈhevi hænd]


  • Accident will happen in the best regulate families . He rules this country with a heavy hand .

    他对这个国家统治 严厉

  • Children in Victorian England were often brought up with a heavy hand and as a result had more respect for people and property than many of today 's children .

    维多利亚英格兰的孩子们通常是 受过 严格的培养,因而要比今天许多孩子更加有礼貌和珍惜财产。

  • Don 't do it with a heavy hand .

    不要下手太 干活

  • But with the operation of what came to be known as the governor 's slander mill the North saw only a rebellious state that needed a heavy hand and a heavy hand was laid upon it .

    但是, 被州人称之为“诽谤制造厂”的摆弄下,北方政府所看到的佐治亚是 叛乱并需要 严厉管制的州,而且确实加强了对它的管制。

  • They governed the city with a heavy hand .

    他们 高压 手段统治该城。

  • He rules his class with a heavy hand .

    严厉 手段管理班级。

  • Henry and Richard both ruled with a heavy hand .

    亨利和理查都 高压 手段实行统治。