with a view of

[wɪð e vju ʌv][wið ə vju: ɔv]


  • The scene was shot entirely from beneath the bed with a view of Ms. Ning 's ankles as she took off her shoes .

    这个镜头完全是从床下拍的, 宁静脱下鞋子的时候,电影给了她的脚踝 特写

  • Could we change to a room with a view of the ocean ?

    我们可以换 海景的房间吗?

  • The snapshot isolation level implements row versioning to provide users with a view of the data in the database as it existed when the current transaction started .

    快照隔离级别实现行版本控制,用来为用户 提供在当前事务启动时数据库中数据存在状态的 视图

  • With a view of white with a view of black one used to find meaning one used to discover the meaning of the meaningless .

    用来 白,一只用来看黑,一只用来寻找意义,一只用来发现意义的无意义。

  • Let 's start our discussion of libvirt with a view of the use model then dig into its architecture and use .

    首先让我们从用例模型 视角来展开对libvirt的讨论,然后深入探究其架构和用途。

  • Through the analysis of telephone rental with a view of accountings the article studies the fact that the telephone rental has few value in theory and points out that it is disadvantageous to the development of telecommunication industry .

    摘要本文从分析电话月租费的会计性质 入手,从理论上说明电话月租费缺乏价值基础,指出它的存在不利电信行业自身的发展。

  • At a more technical level an event can provide you with a view of the status of an activity of interest .

    从更为技术的层面而言,事件可以提供所感兴趣的活动的状态 视图

  • Extensive glazing on the eastern side opens out onto a terrace and provides users with a view of the city skyline .

    东面巨大的玻璃幕墙对着平台开敞,同时给使用者 提供 欣赏悉尼天际线的绝好风景。

  • Let 's start with a view of open source at the individual node level then step up to the infrastructure to see what 's happening there .

    在这里,我们先 来看一下在单个节点级别的开源,然后再 研究此基础设施。

  • She continued to present me with a view of the crown of her head .

    她继续让我仔细看她头上的 花冠

  • I want a table with a view of the garden .

    我想要张能 看见花园的桌子。

  • We will grant you a5 percent commission with a view of initiating business in this line .


  • Can I have a room with a view of the city ?

    能给我一 可以看到城市 风景的房间吗?

  • That September another Chinese firm spent $ 3 million for an aging hotel across a nearby bridge with a view of the minor league ballpark .

    当年9月, 附近的一座桥对面,另一家中国公司又斥资300万美元,收购了 可以 俯瞰小联盟球场的老旅馆。

  • With a view of the Hudson River ?

    可以 看到Hudson河?

  • The house has a desirable location with a view of the lake .

    那所房子的地点十分理想,又 湖景

  • There he is embracing his wife and serving wine on the terrace with a view of the Acropolis .

    还有几张照片拍的是他在阳台上搂着妻子, 以及和妻子 一起品尝美酒,他的阳台可以 俯瞰雅典卫城。

  • It is a large room with a view of the doctor 's well-kept garden .

    这是一间大房间, 房间里能 看到医生精心管理的花园。

  • In recent years many famous Chinese enterprises with a view of the enterprise has the subsidence and elite or leader vanished .

    近些年,许多鼎鼎大名的中国企业都 随着风光 一时的企业精英或领袖的沉陷而销声匿迹了。

  • The Pool Villa suite is situated with a view of the lagoon & the sea .

    泳池别墅套房位于 湖水面上。

  • Later I might write an article sitting under a window with a view of a stream .

    之后,坐在能 看见溪流的窗户下面写文章。

  • ' Mr. Xala said standing in his yard with a view of Mr. Mandela 's house . ' We took pictures and the whole family met him . '

    我们随后拍了照,我全家人都和他见了面。在说这番话时,萨拉站在他的院子里, 那里可以 看到曼德拉的住所。

  • Each room has a balcony with a view of the ocean .

    每个房间都 眺望大海的阳台。

  • A Study on the Problem of Urbanization of the Rural Population & With a View of Household Registration Management System

    农村人口的城市化问题研究& 基于户籍制度 视角

  • This paper presents a method of demolishing the footing of overpass bridge pier by means of blasting under conditions of hard rock and narrow excavation space with a view of giving reference for same kind demolition .

    本文介绍了坚硬岩石小爆破 截面条件立交桥桥脚桩基孔的爆破方法,可为同类施工提供 借鉴

  • We have a very nice room with a view of the city for you .

    本店有个很好的房间,能看到本市的 美丽 景色

  • OBJECTIVE To detect the pathogenicity of staphylococci and in vitro susceptibility with a view of offering references for controlling hospital infection .

    了解葡萄球菌的致病性及药敏 情况,为医院感染控制提供参考。

  • We 'd like a table with a view of garden .

    我们想要 面对花园的位子。

  • Vadump produces a lot of information but we 're just going to look at the reported figure for the working set size to provide us with a view of the memory usage of an application .
