


  • All of us are vaguely fit . We have the wherewithal to be reliable and punctual .

    我们都算得上健康,也有 必要 工具自己可靠和准时。

  • Wherewithal shall we feed the child ?

    我们用什么 喂养孩子?

  • Wherewithal shall we feed the child ? The lamb had to be brought up by hand .

    我们用什么喂养孩子?这只 小羊要用奶瓶喂养。

  • Ideally I 'd like to buy a bigger house but I lack the wherewithal .

    理想的话,我想买一座大一点的房子,但我缺少 必要 资金

  • Didn 't have the wherewithal to survivean economic downturn .

    不具备 必要 资金以维持度过经济衰退。

  • It has had the size wherewithal and experience to help themselves and customers implement green computing .

    IBM在帮助自己和客户实现绿色计算方面 投入大量 资金具备丰富的经验。

  • Where did they get the wherewithal to finance all those concerts ?

    他们从哪里 到经费来举办那么些音乐会的?

  • Further the Church not only controlled education but also possessed the wherewithal to employ the most skillful craftsmen .

    更何况,教会不只垄断教育,而且也拥有 财势去雇用技术一流的巧匠。

  • But not all welders have the desire or the wherewithal to learn robotics w_316 he says .

    但并非所有的焊工都有强烈的意愿或者 必要 本事来学习机器人技术。他说。

  • I 'd like a new car but I lack the wherewithal .

    我想买辆新轿车,可是缺少 资金

  • In a video interview with the Financial Times Mr Gupta said that while China had probably a trillion dollars of non-performing assets in its banking system the country had the wherewithal and capacity to be able to deal with that .

    在英国《金融时报》的视频采访中,古普塔表示,尽管中国银行系统有大约一万亿美元不良资产,不过中国有 足够 资金和能力处理这个问题。

  • I 'd like a new car but I have not the wherewithal to pay for it .

    我很想有一辆新汽车,但我没有 买车 财力

  • A country that has wherewithal to buy wine will always get the wine which it has occasion for .

    一个有 资力购买葡萄酒的国家,总会获得它所需要的葡萄酒。

  • But the bank perhaps could have waited until stronger earnings gave it greater wherewithal to repay its debts .

    但该银行或许应该等到业绩更为强劲、有更多的 资金用于偿债时 再说

  • All I could do was hope to see the day when these children would find the wherewithal to break the bonds of their conditioning establish a truth of their own .

    我所能做的,就是希望看到有一天,这些孩子能够有 足够 条件去打破 外在环境的束缚,建立他们自己的真实 世界

  • Poor families lack the wherewithal to hire good lawyers and the sophistication to fight the system .

    贫困家庭缺乏聘请好律师的 必要 资金专业 知识来与这一体制做斗争。

  • We will need to reflect on the long-held premise that sophisticated investors have the wherewithal to look out for themselves and require minimal if any supervision .

    我们需要反思一种长期存在的假设,即成熟的投资者拥有 必要 资金 照料自己,因此只需要最低限度(如果需要的话)的监管。

  • Some of the companies illegally sent the wherewithal for making chemical weapons .

    有些公司非法为制造化学武器 提供 资金 设备等。

  • Mr Obama almost certainly has the wherewithal to put together policies on a wide range of subjects .

    奥巴马先生几乎肯定拥有了 必要 资金,从而针对广阔范围的主题来整理政策。

  • We knew how to defeat them and we had the wherewithal to do so .

    我们知道怎样才能打败他们,我们也 具备 资源

  • When we decide we are going to take something global we have the wherewithal he says .

    当我们决定将某种产品在全球 推广时,我们拥有 一切 必要 资源威德曼说。

  • State-led companies that have received massive stimulus-related loans now have the wherewithal to buy private enterprises some of which are struggling in the downturn .

    受政府掌控的各家公司获得了大量与刺激计划有关的贷款,从而具备了收购私有企业所 必要 资金其中一些私有企业正在经济低迷期举步维艰。

  • Hay can be used to feed animals . Wherewithal shall we feed the child ?

    干草可用来喂养牲畜。我们用什么 喂养孩子?

  • The good news is that you already have the linguistic wherewithal to work in China : English remains the language of global business .

    好消息是,你已经拥有了在中国工作的语言 资本:英语仍然是全球商业语言。

  • The purpose of a revival would not be to add permanently to emerging country reserves but to provide these countries with the wherewithal to increase investment .

    重提这一 计划的用意,不是要永久地增加新兴国家的储备,而是为这些国家提供扩大投资的 必要 资金

  • She didn 't have the financial wherewithal to do it

    她没有做这件事 资金

  • As a country which has wherewithal to buy tobacco will never be long in want of it .


  • I should like to buy a new car but haven 't got the wherewithal .
