


  • The Puritans in England and later in Massachusetts Colony outlawed this holiday as witchcraft .

    在英国以及后来马萨诸塞州殖民地的清教徒,以 巫术的名义宣布这个假期为非法。

  • Furthermore fortune-telling and witchcraft have often led to harmful behavior .

    况且,算命和 巫术经常导致伤害的行为。

  • In Harry 's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters are increasing their terror upon the Wizarding and Muggle worlds .

    哈利在霍格沃茨 魔法学校度过的第六年,伏地魔和他手下的食死徒们加快了在魔法界和麻瓜世界制造恐怖的阴云。

  • Subtitle You only have traditional Chinese medicine and witchcraft but no art .

    (字幕)你们只有中医和 巫术,没有艺术。

  • Discussion on the Witchcraft 's Significance for Constructing Aesthetic Relations and Aesthetic Psychology


  • Nor no witchcraft charm thee !

    也没有任何 巫术能魅惑 你的心!

  • Did you use magic and witchcraft ?

    你使用了魔术和 巫术吗?

  • It used to be thought that women who practised witchcraft had a pact with the devil .

    过去人们常常认为 巫术的女人与魔王有协定。

  • This is our world view and philosophy of life which we identify as WitchCraft .

    这是 们的世界观和生活哲理,用来 审视 魔法的判别

  • Kua Fu was ever the saying of the ceremony of control of witchcraft .

    夸父拥有地母神的特征,“夸父逐日”乃“控日 巫术”仪式的言说。

  • Celtic witchcraft has as its basis a strong sense of spirituality and a love of the earth .

    凯尔特 巫术作为其基础,以强烈的责任感灵性和爱地球。

  • Thereupon the earth is flooded with crazy desire preliminary interest ignorant witchcraft and weird contemporary art .

    于是疯狂的欲望、低级的趣味、蒙昧的 巫术还有怪诞的当代艺术充斥大地。

  • Why do so many traditional societies around the world support a lively belief in sorcery and witchcraft ?

    为什么世界上的许多传统社会如此强烈地相信巫术和 魔法

  • Objective To study the effect of psychotherapy in mental disorders due to witchcraft .

    目的探讨心理干预对 巫术 所致精神障碍的作用。

  • Witchcraft is bad magic because it will injure you .

    巫术 很坏的魔法,它会伤害你。

  • Being Witchcraft but Not Being Religion & On the Nature of Shamanism

    萨满教的本质是 巫术而不是宗教

  • King Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon a kingdom renowned for its idolatry and witchcraft and occult arts .

    尼布甲尼撒王是巴比伦的国王,一个以崇拜偶像及 巫术及秘术著名的王国。

  • It is incredible that some people should still believe in witchcraft in this day and age .

    难以令人置信的是,有些人至今还相信 巫术

  • Historical and anthropological research on these topics has grown rapidly in recent decades changing understandings of witchcraft and spirit possession .

    有关以上课题的历史学和人类学研究在最近几十年里迅速发展,这些研究成果改变了人们对 巫术和灵魂控制的理解。

  • There are other magical universes in which a school for witchcraft and wizardry would be an odd concept .

    在这样一个独具匠心的 魔法学校中,还有其他的魔法领域。

  • Literary Activities and Witchcraft Ceremony under the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology

    文化人类学视野下的文学活动与 巫术仪式

  • Wicca or Witchcraft Paganism High Magic and other forms of Occultism are not Satanism .

    巫术崇拜或 魔法、异教信仰、高级魔术和其它形式的神秘学不是恶魔崇拜。

  • African belief in witchcraft has also led to horrific murders and mutilations in recent years .

    巫术 迷信也导致了近些年惨无人道的杀戮和肢解案件。

  • In 1951 the laws against Witchcraft were repealed in England .

    在1951年,英格兰废除了反对 魔法的法律。

  • These Harry Potter stories the writer says are softening us to the evils of witchcraft and numbing youth to biblical spirituality .

    这些掠夺陶工故事,作家说,是软化处理我们对 巫术的邪恶和对圣经的灵性使年轻人麻木。

  • Witchcraft is now a recognized religion in the United States .


  • Use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits ; witchcraft .


  • A religious cult practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries ( especially Haiti ); involves witchcraft and animistic deities .

    奉行于加勒比海国家(特别是海地)的一种利用 巫术和神牲的宗教信仰。

  • The film is a fabulous tale of witchcraft and wizardry set in modern-day Britain .

    这部影片以现代英国为背景,讲述了一个 魔法无边的神奇故事。