

vt.& vi.(使)凋谢,(使)枯萎使畏缩使衰弱


  • Wilt you save him a place at your table ?

    在你的餐桌上给他留个 位子好吗?

  • Do plants wilt at the sight of you ?

    植物一看见你就 枯萎了?

  • It is too soon to ascertain what effect this wilt have on the environment .

    很难很快确定这 对环境产生什么样的影响。

  • Remove any damaged or wilted leaves .

    去掉烂叶和 枯叶

  • She soon wilted in the morning heat


  • My wilt and I met in high school .

    我和 妻子在高中时相识。

  • Thou wilt have twice as much love henceforward as thy mother alone could give thee !


  • Watermelon Fusarium wilt is an important soil-borne disease that restricts watermelon production in all areas in the world .

    西瓜 枯萎 是一种土传病害,在世界各地均有发生,成为西瓜生产的主要限制因子。

  • It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse and the plants were beginning to wilt .

    暖房里异常热,植物都开始 枯萎了。

  • Some considered diseases such as Verticillium wilt the culprit .

    一些人认为是棉 黄萎病为其病因。

  • A bacterial wilt of tobacco plants .

    烟草类植物的病菌性 枯萎

  • Seedlings growth potential of robust strong resistance to wilt disease anthrax .

    幼苗健壮,生长势强,抗 枯萎病,炭疽病。

  • Watermelon wilt disease is a soil epidemic which affects the growth of watermelon badly .

    西瓜 枯萎病是一种严重影响西瓜生长的土传病害。

  • The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure .

    政府面对如此大的压力, 失去 信心

  • We are the flowers in the wind blooming for its wilt .

    因为我们是风中飘落的花朵。为了 枯萎而盛开。

  • But Wilt 's presence and competition allowed Russell to become all that he possibly could be .

    但是 张伯伦的出现和他们之间的斗争使得拉塞尔成为他可能成为的。

  • Golden roses do not wilt and will never need to be watered .

    金色的玫瑰不 枯萎绝不会需要被浇水。

  • Resistance to heat and bacterial wilt and virus disease .


  • Clematis are once again popular and spectacular but wilt can still be a problem .

    铁线莲再度流行、壮观起来,但 枯萎 的问题仍然存在。

  • It 's so hot the leaves are beginning to wilt .

    天气太热,这些叶子都要 了。

  • Like this rose our love will wilt and die .

    爱情就如同玫瑰,会 枯萎,会凋谢。

  • I 'd buy my wife flowers and they 'd wilt .

    我给我太太买的花,都 枯萎了。

  • The roses wilted the day after she bought them

    她买的玫瑰 二天 凋谢

  • He found no such statement but he did find that which made him suddenly wilt .

    他终于找到了,可他却突然 了。

  • Ginger bacterial wilt is a destructive disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum .


  • Wilt : now look to the north . Can you see the town ?


  • Canonical correspondence analysis is introduced to research the effects of climatic factors on pine wilt disease epidemic situation .

    引入典范对应分析方法,研究了气候要素对 松材 线虫病疫情的影响。

  • Who are the Bill Russels and Wilt Chamberlains of our time ?

    谁是我们这个时代的比尔?拉塞尔和 威尔特?张伯伦?

  • Tell me what I can do to help prevent wilt on new clematis that I am planting .

    告诉我,我新种植的铁线莲如何防止 枯萎

  • This wintry weather thou wilt overtake It was cool and they were putting on their capes .

    战胜这冬日 阴冷的气候,夜里阴冷,他们都穿上了披风。