


  • Dogged willpower can conquer any peak in the world .

    36顽强的 毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。

  • This event tries the racers skills strength and willpower .

    这项比赛很考验选手的技术、力量和 毅力

  • Looks like I have no willpower .

    就像我没有 意志

  • Difficulties can temper our willpower .

    困难能磨炼我们的 意志

  • I haven 't got the willpower to give up and so I 'm still a heavy smoker .

    我还没有 戒烟 意志 ,因此我仍然是个大烟枪。

  • Mental strength involves more than just willpower ; it requires hard work and commitment .

    精神力量不仅仅包含 意志 ;还要求勤奋努力和全力以赴。

  • None can match your sheer willpower and persistence in wearing down the opposition

    在消磨反对派的 意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的 意志 和不懈的坚持

  • Priest : Are you seeking a way to strengthen your willpower ?

    牧师:你找过加强你的 意志 的方法吗?

  • I know I 've got the willpower to do it

    我知道我有 毅力做这事儿。

  • Yaoming 's successes are attributed to his unremitting efforts and strong willpower .

    姚明的成功都应归功于他的不懈努力和坚强的 毅力

  • One 's ability to bear frustration is closely related with one 's comprehensive qualities especially one 's willpower .

    对挫折的承受力是与一个人的综合素质尤其是 意志 品质密切相关的。

  • You are gradually losing your willpower and your ability to resist suggestions .

    你渐渐的失去 意识和拒绝暗示的能力。

  • Once a new habit is established it becomes easy to do motivation and willpower are no longer required !

    一旦新习惯形成,一切就会变得容易。你也不再需要积极性和 毅力了。

  • His attempts to stop smoking by willpower alone failed .

    他多次想单凭 意志 戒烟都没有成功。

  • But such willpower and self-denial is rare-sad cases like the Rockefellers and Hiltons are more common .

    但这种 意志 和克己精神已属罕见&像洛克菲勒家族(Rockefellers)和希尔顿家族(Hiltons)那样令人遗憾的案例更为普遍。

  • But the bigger issue is imagination and willpower .

    但更重要的是高超的智慧和 意志

  • Stones whet a sword difficulties strengthen willpower .

    石头是刀的朋友,障碍是 意志 朋友

  • Caffeine can help you resist by strengthening your self-control and willpower when you 're exhausted .

    补充说:但咖啡因却可在你疲倦不堪的时候,增强你的自控能力和 意志 ,以抵消这些影响。

  • It 's really up to yoo-jin 's willpower .

    这真的要靠刘真自己的 意志 了。

  • What we need is brainpower and willpower they are the greatest natural resources .

    英国需要的是智力和 意志 这是最宝贵的天然资源。

  • You can get valuable advice understanding and information - all of which increase commitment and willpower .

    你能得到颇有价值的建议、谅解和信息&所有这些都将坚定你的承诺,并增强你的 意志

  • Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in willpower

    有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他 更有 意志

  • Willpower is the ability to inhibit an impulse or desire .

    意志 就是能抑制冲动和欲望的能力。

  • They had the drive determination and willpower that you have right now .

    他们有你现在拥有的动力、决心和 毅力

  • I really admire you for your willpower . I 'd like to be like you .

    我真佩服你的 意志 ,真希望我能像你一样。

  • Changing habits isn 't a matter of willpower but patience and strategy .

    改变一个习惯与 意志 并没有重要的 联系相反耐心和策略却非常重要。

  • It 's hard to find the willpower to exercise when it 's so darn hot !

    不容易被发现,当它的 意志行使的缝补等热门!

  • Willpower and personal resolutions aren 't enough .

    意志 和决心是不足够的。

  • Factors such as self-confidence and ambition combined with determination and willpower contribute to eventual success or failure .

    自信、雄心,加上决心和 毅力等因素是造成最终成功或失败的原因。