

  • In the years to come the construction of deep water wharfs is still necessary .

    未来几年,深水 码头建设仍有必要。

  • If you take a look into the distance you 'll see ships big and small either ply to and fro along the river or moor at wharfs presenting a varied and eye-catching scene .

    放眼望去, 来自世界 各地的大小船只,或往返 江中,或泊于 岸边千姿百态,十分壮观。

  • Discussion on Design Useful Life of 100 Years of Piled Wharfs

    试论高桩 码头设计使用年限100年

  • Analysis of Strengthening Method for High-Piled Wharfs

    高桩 码头加固方法分析

  • The MIS Design of Container Wharfs ; The average weight of payload of container is one of important parameters for calculating the capacity of container operation in the freight stations such as container terminal railway or road container stations .

    集装箱平均货物重量是设计计算集装箱 码头、路和公路集装箱场站拆装箱 容量的重要参数。

  • Its products are widely used in many aspects of high-rise buildings bridge beams railway tracks deepwater wharfs etc.

    产品广泛应用于高层建筑、桥梁、铁路轨道、深水 码头等领域。

  • Comparative study on life-extension repair technology in naval wharfs

    军港 码头采用不同延寿修复技术比较研究

  • Application of Non-destructive Testing Technology in Wharfs and Discussion on Some Problems


  • As one of the most important structure form beam-slab high-piled wharfs are widely applied in Chinese coastal ports .

    梁板式高桩 码头作为最重要的 码头结构形式之一,广泛地应用于我国沿海各港口。

  • In order to maintain the regular operation of harbours wharfs and channels dredging is necessary .

    疏浚是维持港口、 码头、航道正常运行的必要活动。

  • Wuhu rice market developed fast under the condition of opening wharfs for trade the key to which is its market transportation and base of rice production .

    摘要芜湖米市在 开埠 通商条件下得到快速的发展,其根本 原因在于芜湖本身所具有的市场条件、交通条件和 富饶的稻米生产基础。

  • Specification for design and construction of wharfs for petroleum engineering in beach-shallow sea

    滩海石油工程 码头设计与建造技术规范

  • Meanwhile technological renovation of multi-purpose wharfs at various ports will be accelerated .

    同时加快港口多用途 码头的技术改造。

  • Many market town wharfs will be rebuilt with the progress of Three Gorges Reservoir .

    随着三峡水库的修建,库区的 集镇 码头大量 建。

  • As a considerable ingredient of wharfs secure use the strike energy against wharf is affected by many factors .

    码头撞击能量作为影响 码头使用安全的一个重要因素,它受到许多因素的影响。

  • Discussion on Countermeasures of Wastewater Disposal in EIA for Liquid Chemicals Wharfs

    液体化工品 码头环评中废水处理对策探讨

  • Comparative analysis of large-scale high piled beam-slab structure wharfs between mathematical model and physical model

    大型高桩梁板式 码头数模计算与物模试验比较分析

  • At present there are many wharfs with sheet-pile framework in China .

    目前国内 有许多采用板桩结构的 码头

  • Conveyor belt with steel wire ropes which is one of primary transfer equipments in modern production at home and abroad is extensively applied in various realms such as mine ports and wharfs etc.

    强力输送带已广泛应用于矿山、港口和 码头等领域,是国内外现代化生产中主要传送设备之一。

  • Combining with the practice of the design the determinations of top elevation of open sea terminal on different structural type of wharfs are discusses .

    结合设计工作实践,就不同结构型式下开敞式 码头面高程的确定方法进行探讨。

  • Pile foundation has been widely applied in tall buildings railways highways bridges offshore platforms port wharfs and many other engineering .

    桩基础广泛应用于高层建筑、铁路、公路、桥梁、海洋平台和港口 码头等众多工程领域中。

  • Expressway road and bridges civil airfield harbors wharfs .

    高速公路,道路桥梁,民航机场,港口 码头

  • With the increase of the pile quantity of wharfs the dimension of pile caps and the depth-span ratio of beams increase gradually .

    港口 码头基桩数量的越来越多,导致了高桩 码头中桩帽尺寸和梁的高跨比逐渐加大。

  • With the development of petro-chemical industries the number of oil wharfs and oil throughput increases which lead to the incidence of oil spills more and more high and seriously contaminate the marine living resources and marine ecology .

    随着石油化工产业的发展,油品 码头的增多和石油吞吐量的增大,溢油事故的发生率越来越高,造成的石油污染日趋严重,从而严重破坏了海洋生物资源和海洋生态。

  • Out upon the wharfs they came Knight and Burgher Lord and Dame And around the prow they read her name The Lady of Shalott .

    出来后,他们来到 码头,奈特和堡勋爵和圣母院,他们和周围的船头读她的名字,作者:夏洛特夫人。