white phosphorus

[hwaɪt ˈfɑsfərəs][hwait ˈfɔsfərəs]


  • In order to extract valuable components from raw material the paper researched that white carbon black was produced by leaching yellow phosphorus slag with nitric acid solution washing and calcining .

    本论文采用 黄磷炉渣作为原料,以硝酸作为浸取剂,通过酸浸、洗涤、煅烧等步骤制得 白炭黑产品,从而提取出原料中的有价成份。

  • But at present phosphorus slag glass-ceramics are mostly single color such as black white . This project aims to develop colorful CAS system phosphorus slag glass-ceramics improve their adornment effect .

    目前研制的磷渣微晶玻璃大多是黑色、 白色,本论文旨在研制CAS系统彩色 渣微晶玻璃,提高磷渣微晶玻璃的装饰效果。

  • Effects of 6-BA on Cluster Root Formation and Organic Acid Exudation in White Lupin Grown Under Phosphorus Deficiency

    6-BA对缺 白羽扇豆排根形成和有机酸分泌的影响

  • Preliminary Study on Technological Parameters of White Phosphorus Furnace ( 2 ) - Discussion on Several Ways To Cut Down The Consumption of coke for White Phosphorus Production

    炉工艺参数初探(二)&试论降低 黄磷焦耗的若干途径

  • Molecular formula : H3PO3 Appearance : white crystalline Use : It is the raw material manufacture sub-phosphate is also manufacturing plastic stabilizer and organic phosphorus pesticide raw materials .

    分子式:H3PO3外观: 白色结晶用途:是制造亚磷酸盐的原料,也是制造塑料稳定剂和有机 农药的原料。

  • Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that high wall .

    轰炸机、战车、火箭与 白磷弹是那堵高墙。

  • According to the spread of smoke factors in the original algorithm based on the effect of white phosphorus burn to shine The introduction of temperature conditions on the impact of white phosphorus smoke effects generated by fine simulation .

    根据烟雾的扩散因素,在原算法的基础上,显示 白磷燃烧发光发热的效果,引入温度条件对白磷所产生的烟雾的效果进行精细模拟。

  • Research after the Explosion Cause of Transforming White Phosphorus into Red Phosphorus
