


  • Check out Whistler Vancouver 's famous ski resort .

    去温哥华著名的滑雪胜地 惠斯勒

  • Whistler is very safe and easy to get around in .


  • Whistler was not just immodest he was shamelessly vain .


  • This was not only the first snow Bright had seen but also the first snow of the year in Whistler .

    这不仅是刘白看到的第一场雪,也是 惠斯勒那年第一场雪。

  • He explains to her that he needed to know what she knew about Whistler 's plans for Scylla .

    “将军”向她解释当时那样对她只是为了搞清楚 威斯勒的计划。

  • Second picture : Whistler follows Michael through the cellar to the escape tunnel .

    第二张图: 惠斯勒 随着迈克尔通过水窖,进入下水道 逃。

  • The book on top of the pile was The Whistler and she spoke it aloud to help her concentrate .

    在她那堆书里最上面的那本是《 口哨的人》。她大声地念着,好让自己集中精神。

  • You got a week to find this Whistler guy .

    你有一周时间来找这个 韦斯勒

  • Change help options such as installing other Whistler help .

    更改帮助选项,例如安装其它 whistler帮助。

  • 293 . The whistler whispered Which is rich ?

    293. 鸣笛 低语道:哪一个富有?

  • A whistler of popular tunes . The guard blew his whistle and waved his green flag .

    着流行曲调的 口哨 列车员吹哨并挥动绿旗。

  • Observation and Statistic Analysis of the Whistler Waves Associated with Magnetic Reconnection

    伴随磁场重联 哨声波的观测与统计分析

  • In this paper the principle of whistler observation its instrumentation and some observations in Beijing are described .

    本文系统地叙述了 哨声 定向观测的原理、观测设备和观测结果。

  • Do you have information about the ski trip to Whistler ?

    有没有关于 惠斯勒滑雪旅游的介绍?

  • She told Whistler that his portrait of her was finished and to stop fiddling with it .

    她告诉 惠斯勒他给她画的肖像已经完成,不要再改了。

  • Whistler is an hour and a half from downtown and while winter there is all about skiing in summer you have access to great mountain biking fishing and golfing .


  • Competitions for hockey curling skating and snowboarding will be held in the immediate Vancouver area while those for nordic skiing alpine skiing and bobsled will be held in Whistler about 125 km ( 80 miles ) away .

    曲棍球、冰壶、滑冰和雪板比赛将在温哥华附近区域举行,而北欧滑雪、高山滑雪和雪橇比赛则被安排在125公里(80英里)以外的 惠斯勒地区举行。

  • Just two hours outside Vancouver there is Whistler Mountain .

    出温哥华只有两小时路程,就有 威斯勒山。

  • If that 's not enough it is also within a reasonable distance to the famous Whistler Ski Resort .

    若这样还不够好,到著名的 惠斯勒滑雪度假中心的距离也是在合理范围内。

  • Spectators watch the Men 's ski jumping team event from the large hill in Whistler British Columbia Canada on Monday Feb.22 .

    观众观看了男子跳台滑雪从不列颠哥伦比亚省 惠斯勒,星期一,2010年2月22日,加拿大大山团体赛。

  • Several events are scheduled for the Whistler resort as well as Cypress Mountain but weather forecasters are calling for warm temperatures to continue .

    有好几场比赛安排在了 惠斯勒和柏树山,但是气象预报说温暖气候将持续下去。

  • Whistler Waves Excited by Loss-cone and Kappa Electron Distributions

    损失锥和kappa电子速度分布激发的 哨声

  • Whistler as always was merciless .

    和以往一样, 惠斯勒还是那么冷酷无情。

  • You know I used to be a purty good whistler .

    你知道吗,我过去 口哨吹得可是不错的。

  • Not only is she a good whistler but she can sing and dance too .

    这不仅是因为她 口哨 的好,她还很会唱歌和跳舞。

  • Now he can finally call himself an Olympic champion after winning the gold medal Sunday in the men 's combined event at Whistler Mountain .

    他星期天在 惠斯勒高山 滑雪场赢得一面全能金牌之后,终于为自己加上了奥运冠军的 头衔

  • Effects of initial wave normal angle on propagation of Non-ducted whistler wave at mid and low latitudes

    初始波法线角对中低纬非导管 哨声波传播的影响

  • This week Mr Tyler is on his annual Skiing Vacation in Whistler Canada .

    本周,汤彦麟在加拿大 惠斯勒 whistler)进行他一年一度的滑雪休假。