white paper

[hwaɪt ˈpeɪpər][hwait ˈpeipə]


  • Until the tree was all in the white paper .


  • If this new white paper gets through there will be no subsidized meals .

    如果这份新的 白皮书获得通过,就没有饮食补贴了。

  • White paper is white because it reflects all colors of light .


  • You may need to hand in an important document white paper or manuscript .

    你可能需要上交一个重要的文件, 白书,或者是手稿。

  • The more interesting part of the white paper involves performance tuning Spring application .


  • In a new white paper from SpringSource Adrian Colyer explains the runtime environment that Spring provides .

    在来自SpringSource的一份新 白皮书中,AdrianColyer说明了Spring所提供的运行时环境。

  • We had our first rehabilitation programme plan and policy statement in the form of a white paper in 1977 .

    一九七七年,香港以 白皮书的形式制订首项康复计划方案和首份政策声明。

  • China 's new defence white paper is aimed at dispelling such concerns .

    中国的 这份新的国防 白皮书旨在消除这种担心。

  • This white paper gives an overview of the MMS market and the technologies and network infrastructure involved .

    这个 白皮书就采集市场和技术及相关网络构建给予总的看法。

  • Michael Hugos quoted a white paper by Glenn Vanderburg which divided the feedback loops into three levels .

    MichaelHugos引用了GlennVanderburg编写的 白皮书,其中将反馈循环分为3个级别。

  • They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education .

    他们谴责 白皮书是在怂恿中央集权和精英教育。

  • I took a task of writing a white paper about designing a game engine .

    朕采取了写一本关于设计的游戏引擎 白皮书的任务。

  • The designation is given to the North in South Korea 's latest defense white paper .

    该指定是考虑到北在韩国的最新国防 白皮书

  • The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper .

    这个艺术家在一张大 白纸上写下了中国字。

  • This week Huawei published a white paper advocating a wide set of security standards .

    本周,华为发布了 白皮书,呼吁建立一系列安全标准。

  • This white paper described the need for SELT and discussed the trade-off between accuracy and implementation complexity .


  • Leighton Stuart has departed and the White Paper has arrived . Very good . Very good .

    司徒雷登走了, 白皮书来了,很好,很好。

  • And so the White Paper has become material for the education of the Chinese people .

    这样一来, 白皮书就变成了中国人民的教育材料。

  • Presents done up in white paper and red ribbon .


  • Each mourner wore a black armband and a white paper chrysanthemum .

    每个吊唁的人都佩带着黑纱和一朵 白纸菊花。

  • Classmate : First you should print your resume on good-quality white paper .

    同学:首先,你应该用质量好的 白纸打印你的简历。

  • He handed me a little rectangle of white paper

    他递给我一张小小的长方形 白纸

  • For additional information see the IBM Informix Dynamic Server Data Compression and Storage Optimization White Paper .

    更多信息请参见IBMInformixDynamicServer数据压缩和存储优化 白皮书

  • This white paper provides a detailed introduction to logging and rsyslog including configuration and complex multi-host logging networks .

    这个 白皮书提供了关于日志和rsyslog的详细介绍,包括配置和复杂的多主机日志网络。

  • This white paper teaches you how to use an ESB in the context of creating services from legacy services .


  • But the new document included even less detail on the armed forces than the last white paper .

    但与上一次 白皮书相比,新白皮书对军队的详细信息披露得更少。

  • Out of curiosity she opened the envelope to find nothing but a piece of white paper .

    处于好奇,她打开了信封,但里面仅仅是一张 白纸

  • Details are available in a recent blog post and we also have a white paper for more detail .

    具体的细节可以从最近的一篇博客文章里了解,我们还有一份 白皮书更深入进行了阐述。

  • They also published a white paper about their approach .

    他们对他们的方法同时出版了 白皮书