


v.私语低声说( whisper的现在分词 )小声说私下说

  • The actress'voice very low and very soft made the audience give up whispering and listen .

    女演员的嗓音很低很柔和,使得观众停止 低声交谈而留心倾听。

  • I thought I heard whispering .

    我觉得我听到 耳语 了。

  • Thy breath comes to me whispering an impossible hope .

    你的气息向我 低语 一个不可能的希望。

  • Intoxicated by the awe and rapture in that oh ! he went on whispering .

    陶醉于这一 “啊!”所包含的敬畏和狂喜,他 低声 继续

  • What are you two girls whispering about ?

    你们两个小姑娘 嘁嘁喳喳 什么呀?

  • When I saw them whispering to each other I knew there was something funny going on .

    我看见他们相互 耳语时,我就知道他们又要玩什么鬼花样了。

  • Do you know what they are whispering behind doors ?

    你知道他们 门背后 什么 吗?

  • I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I 'd be getting from you if we started whispering together

    要是我们开始 一起 交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。

  • Stop whispering in the corner .

    不要在角落 耳朵了。

  • What are those two whispering to each other about ?

    他们俩 叽叽 咕咕 些什么?

  • My brother gave me a light farewell embrace whispering that he loves me and prays for me .

    戴夫同我轻轻地拥别, 耳边 悄声 ,他爱我并为我祈祷。

  • All they heard was the wind whispering through the treetops .

    他们听到的只有风吹过树梢的 飒飒

  • Yet whenever I examined the shining mountain I felt something as if the skyful stars were whispering .

    但是当我注意到那座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我仿佛又听见了那无数的灯光的 私语

  • People are whispering that the boss has been having it off with his secretary .

    人们在 悄悄 议论,老板和他的女秘书一直有不 正当 男女关系。

  • The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting

    冷飕飕的风吹动着他周边的矮树丛, 沙沙 刚好盖过了吟唱的声音。

  • All that giggling and whispering was too much for me I had to leave the room .

    我受不了那些咯咯的笑声和 交头接耳的样子--只好离开了那间屋子。

  • I saw two men sitting behind and whispering there .

    我看见两个人坐在后面 低声 耳语

  • Tom : lisa ? We 're not trying to eavesdrop but we can hear you whispering .

    汤姆:丽莎?我们不想偷听,但是我们听到你们 窃窃私语

  • Billy : Why are you whispering Michael ?

    比利:你为什么 小声 说话,迈克尔?

  • One of the two men was leaning over her shoulder and was whispering to her .

    两个青年中有一个俯首在她肩 后跟窃窃私语

  • You 'll hear my whispering voice in your ear .

    你会听到我的声音在你的耳边 低语

  • I was told to be very quiet and the boys and my mother started whispering to each other .

    我被责令保持安静,而妈妈和 哥们开始彼此 交头接耳

  • I heard you two whispering so I know you must be up to something .

    我听见你们俩 嘀嘀咕咕的就知道没做什么好事。

  • Then I am calling your name gently so gently that I am like whispering .

    于是,我用心轻轻的呼唤 你,轻轻的 近似 耳语

  • And if you could hear the whispering of the dream you would hear no other sound .

    如果你们听到 那梦中的 低语,你们就会对其他一切声响听而不闻。

  • Stop whispering you two !

    你们俩别 交头接耳了!

  • I hate our house for whispering .

    我讨厌我们的房子 小声 嚷嚷