white object

[hwaɪt ˈɑbdʒɪkt][hwait ˈɔbdʒikt]


  • As always the search target marker - the white square - shows which object has been located by the search .

    搜索标识那个 白色方块显示出所搜索 对象的位置。

  • The white rectangles on a lifeline are called activations and indicate that an object is responding to a message .

    生命周期中的 空白矩形方框被称为激活,用来指示 对象对消息作出的反应。

  • In the experiment the farmer 's belief that the cow was there was justified by the testimony of the milkman and his own verification of a black and white object sitting in the field .

    实验中,农民之所以相信奶牛在那里,是送奶工证词和他自己所见 黑白 相间 所共同构成的结果。

  • The Experiment adopted acid-dreg produced by the white oil factory and lubricating oil factory that set surrounding Maoming city extensively as the research object to study .

    本实验研究采用茂名市周边地区广泛分布的 白油厂和润滑油厂制取白油和润滑油产生的酸渣作为研究 对象

  • The texture information can be estimated by using gray level co occurrence matrix from which 12 texture images can be derived . The object can be easily generated by computer both black white and gray level object can be used in our method .

    首先,采用共生矩阵的方法,对图像纹理特征进行描述,产生纹理特征波段。 物体信息由计算机产生或用CCD记录,可以是有一定 灰阶的物体。

  • White frost and silver storm powder crystallise the leaves on this beautiful object topped with a satiny pink gold lid .

    白色冰霜和银色暴风雪尘在烛 上勾勒出精巧的常春藤叶,最后冠之一枚光滑的金粉色盖。

  • The guest wears a white object much like a telephone headset equipped with a tube through which he or she breathes in concentrated oxygen in a choice of various flavours such as menthol and canteloupe .

    客人戴一种 白色的装置,很像一个电话听筒,通过上面配置的一根管,他/她可以呼吸到浓缩氧,有薄荷和 canteloupe等各种味道可供选择。

  • Methods There were 47 adult white rabbits for experiment object these cases with femoral head bone defect were divided into three groups randomly according to the treating methods : A : VEGF / bBMP / PVP ;

    方法选用中国大耳 成年白兔47只为实验 对象,按不同治疗方法将股骨头骨质缺损动物随机分为3组:A组VEGF/bBMP/聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP);

  • In this paper Zhen liquor with white precipitate was used as research object the formation reasons of white precipitate in Zhen liquor were analysed and the relative solutions were put forward .

    以产生 白色沉淀的贵州珍酒酒样为研究 对象,对其产生沉淀的原因进行分析,并提出了解决措施。

  • Yet the indirect manifestation is most attractive in different black and white manifestations which puts the object in an interesting and beautiful composition .

    然而,在 黑白画的表现形式中,其间接表现形式引人关注,因为这种表现形式使黑白画面的 物像处于有趣而美妙的世界内。

  • What 's that small white object ?

    白色的小 物体是什么呢?

  • The white square is called the search target marker and marks on the map the location of the object which has most recently been searched for .

    那个 方框叫做“搜索标记”,它在星图上标出最近搜索的 天体的位置。

  • The point of drawing white objects is that A.there is no color to confuse the issue and B.it 's really easy to see what the light does on the surface of a white object .

    绘画白色物体的优点是:A。没有颜色问题要分心,B。很容易观察出光在 白色 物体上的表现。

  • White sunlight contains all the colors so the red and blue extremes will make any white object seem somewhat hazy .

    白光包含了所有颜色的单色光,所以临界的红光和蓝光会让任何 白色 物体看起来模糊。

  • White wave was the only object that could be made out except for two young foreigners who were talking with the man standing and the lady bravely sitting on the gunwale in the deck edge .

    除此,还有一对外国人在 夜深时还低声谈着天,男士站着,女士勇敢地坐在甲板最前端的舷上,让我想起了泰坦尼克号。

  • Dim lighting adds the least amount of white to the color or shade of the 3-D effect on the selected object

    颜色灰暗的,昏暗的暗淡的光线 增白所选 对象三维效果的颜色或底纹的程度最小