what with

[hwɑt wɪð][hwɔt wið]


  • When that happens expect a different scenario to play out than that what happened with Facebook .

    等到将来上市时,预计 情形Facebook不同。

  • The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people .

    政府似乎陷入了左右为难的境地,不知道该 这么多人 怎么办。

  • Bill was in the doctor 's surgery demanding to know what was wrong with him .

    比尔在医生的诊疗室里想要知道 自己 到底 得了 什么病。

  • If you know what is wrong with her please enlighten me .

    如果你知道她出 什么问题了,请告诉我。

  • What with teaching and what with writing my time is wholly taken up .


  • What with what makeup costume and camera can do my acting will create a Juliet who is14 an innocent virgin .


  • Surely it doesn 't matter where charities get their money from : what counts is what they do with it

    慈善机构从哪里筹得捐款的确无关紧要:关键是钱 怎么花的。

  • You look rather pale . What 's wrong with you ? -- No matter . Just got a cold .

    你脸色苍白,病了吗?--没 什么点感冒。

  • First let 's look at what happens with the Web server plug-in .

    首先,让我们看 一下Web服务器插件上会发生 什么

  • This is similar to what happened with regular expressions some time ago .

    这种情况 以前正则表达式的 情况类似。

  • What 's wrong with his wanting to sell his land and move on ?

    他想卖掉土地离开 这里 什么错呢?

  • You 've got three years ' worth of research money to do what you want with


  • What 's wrong with him ?


  • Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story

    让我 一个古老的故事来 说明我的意思吧。

  • What with the heavy rain and his not knowing the way he was late .

    着大雨,再加 道儿不熟,所以他迟到了。

  • What with one thing and another it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury


  • What title with the position have ?

    这个职务的头衔 什么

  • What with one thing and another everybody forgot all about the eels in the urn .

    由于 这种或那种原因,所有人都把瓮里的鳗鱼忘掉了。

  • It is a German play no matter what with a tricking shifting after-piece between the acts .

    不管 哪个德国剧,幕 幕之间都要有幽默滑稽的剧末余兴。

  • Maybe they are tired what with all the sleep they 're losing staying up night after night

    也许他们是太累了,考虑到他们成 宿成宿地熬夜。

  • You can 't expect not to have a debate ; that 's what comes with the territory in a democracy .

    不要指望不会 发生辩论,那在民主社会已成为必然。

  • What with overwork and under-nourishment he fell ill .


  • She lives very far away and what with transport problems she seldom comes .

    她住处离 这里远, 上交通不便,所以很少来。

  • What with teleconferencing Skype and global conference calls technology has wrought a sea change in the way people hold meetings .

    电话会议、 Skype在线视频通话以及全球视频会议等技术不断涌现,极大地改变了人们举行会议的方式。

  • Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money ?

    如何 利用那笔诺贝尔奖金的问题上有不同意见吗?

  • What 's with that dress ?

    那条裙子 怎么 回事

  • What comes with the special ?


  • What 's wrong with you is that you think you can get something for nothing .


  • ' What 's with this guy ? ' demanded an American voice in the row in front .

    “这人 怎么了?”前排有个美国人问道。

  • But he refused and said unto his master 's wife Behold my master wotteth not what is with me in the house and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand ;

    约瑟不从,对他主人的妻说,看哪,一切家务,我主人都不 知道。他把所有的都交在我手里。