white iron

[hwaɪt ˈaɪən][hwait ˈaiən]


  • Three Dimensional Morphology and Crystal Characteristics of the Carbides in Tungsten-Chromium Alloyed White Iron

    钨铬合金 白口 铸铁中碳化物三维形貌及结晶特征

  • The tungsten contained in high Cr white iron causes an appreciable increase in the Ms temperature of alloys .

    试验证明,高铬钨 铸铁中的钨可以明显提高其Ms点;

  • Development and Application of K_mTBCr26 Type HI-Cr Wear Resisting White Iron Mirror Plate and Antiwear Plate of Hydro turbine

    KmTBCr26高铬耐磨 白口 铸铁水轮机油导轴承镜板和抗磨板的研究和应用

  • Study on the Hardening Behavior Mechanism and Their Influence on Abrasion Resistance of High Chromium White Iron Subjected to Sub-critical Treatment

    高铬 铸铁亚临界热处理中的硬化行为、机制及其对耐磨性的影响研究

  • A white iron with certain composition was investigated through forging process which diminished the cementite network and refined the base microstructure .

    通过对成分适宜的 白口 铸铁的高温锻造,消除了 铸铁的网状渗碳体,并细化了基体组织,在不降低白口 铸铁硬度的情况下,使其韧性得到大幅度提高。

  • The Structure Characteristic and Wear Resistance of White Iron Grinding Ball by Centrifugal Casting

    离心铸造 白口 磨球的组织特点与耐磨性

  • Influence of Carbon and Silicon Contents on Properties of Manganese Series White Iron

    碳硅含量对锰系 白口 铸铁性能的影响

  • In this paper smelting it with cupola was experimentally studied and the results obtained shows that wrought white iron can been smelted with cupola by means of some right processes .

    为此,本文对冲天炉熔炼锻造 白口 进行了试验研究。结果表明,采用适当的熔炼工艺和必要的炉前处理,可以生产出具有良好锻造性能的白口 铁水

  • In regard to non wear resistance of the white iron shot in the practical application process alloy iron shot have been produced by means of adding alloying element and proper heat treatment .

    针对 白口 丸在实际应用过程中不耐磨易破碎的现象,在 白口 铸铁中通过添加合金元素及适当热处理等手段生产合金铁丸。

  • The structure characteristic and wear resistance of white iron grinding ball by centrifugal casting are investigated in comparision with statically metal-mould casting .

    通过与静力金属型铸造磨球相比较,研究了离心铸造 白口 磨球的组织特点与耐磨性。

  • The structure of spheroidal carbide in wear resistant white iron was investigated by SEM observation and EPMA of ion etched metallographic specimen .

    用离子蚀刻加扫描电镜观察和微区成分分析的方法研究了耐磨 白口 中球形碳化物的结构。

  • The cost of wrought white iron smelted in electric furnace is too high to be used in large quantities .

    用电炉熔炼锻造 白口 成本过高,推广应用受到了限制。

  • : Aimed at directly mine operation conditions WC particle / grey iron and low-chromium alloy white iron matrix composites were manufactured and their anti-erosive wear properties were investigated against high-chromium cast iron .

    针对矿山工况,制备了灰铸铁基和低铬合金 白口 铸铁基的WC颗粒/铁基复合材料,并以高铬铸铁为对比材料,对其冲刷腐蚀磨损特性进行了测试。

  • Effect of structure in white iron on Graphitization of malleable cast iron

    可锻铸铁 白口组织对石墨化的影响

  • Influence of Centrifugal Casting on Abrasion Resistance of White Iron

    离心铸造对 白口 抗冲击磨损性能的影响

  • Research on Microstructure and Properties of the Bainite White Iron Grinding Ball as-cast

    铸态贝氏体 白口 磨球组织与性能的研究

  • High chromium white iron grey iron bimetal in EPC V process has been investigated .

    采用消失模铸造生产铬系 白口 -灰铁双金属材料。

  • The properties of Erosion-Corrosion of WC particle reinforced grey iron and low-Chromium white iron matrix composites and high-Chromium cast iron were investigated .

    以高铬铸铁作为对比材料,对灰铸铁基、低铬合金 白口 铸铁基的WC颗粒/铁基局部复合材料的冲刷腐蚀磨损特性进行了研究。

  • It is summarized that the development and application of wear-resistant materials of austenitic manganese steel medium manganese steel super-high manganese steel wear-resistant alloy steel abrasion resistant white iron in China .

    综述了国内黑色金属耐磨材料高锰钢、中锰钢、超高锰钢、耐磨合金钢、抗磨 白口 铸铁等的发展和应用概况;

  • Study of spheroidal carbide in wear resistant white iron using ion etching

    耐磨 白口 中球形碳化物的离子蚀刻研究

  • The Structures Properties and Application of Forging White Iron

    锻造 白口 的组织性能与应用

  • This paper describes the research progress on increasing the toughness of chromium alloy white iron in following respects of complex microalloying thermoplastic deformation modification gas elimination heat treatment and casting .

    从多元微合金化、热塑性变形、变质处理、除气、新型铸造工艺和热处理工艺等六个方面,综述了提高铬合金 铸铁韧性研究的进展情况。

  • The effects of niobium on breaking toughness and wear-resistance of high Cr-Mn white iron was investigated .

    研究了铌对高铬锰 白口 铸铁断裂韧度和耐磨性的影响规律。

  • The results showed : in the as-cast white iron there was the enrichment of silicon between the eutectic cementite and pearlite .

    结果表明:硅在共晶 渗碳体和珠光体界面处富集,少量硅进入共晶渗碳体中;

  • Development of new Mn-Cu-Mo alloy white iron

    新型Mn-Cu-Mo型合金 白口 开发

  • Complex Numbers The Effect of Inoculation on The Carbide Structure of White Iron

    复合孕育对可 铸铁 白口组织中碳化物类型的影响

  • Effect of Boron and Phosphorus on Morphology and Distribution of Carbide and Mechanical Properties of Low Chromium White Iron

    硼和磷对低铬 白口 铸铁中碳化物形态、分布及机械性能的影响

  • Effect of Compound Modification on Low - Cr White Iron

    复合变质对低铬 白口 铸铁的作用