what have you

[hwɑt hæv ju][hwɔt hæv ju:]


  • What has Danny got ? What have you got Danny ?

    丹尼 拥有 什么?丹尼你拥有什么?

  • MELANIE : ( to Ashley ) What have you done ?

    媚兰:(对希礼) 什么

  • What have you lost ?

    失去 什么

  • What have you done with your hat ?

    把帽子弄 哪儿

  • Girl what have you been saying to the nettle .

    小丫头, 对荨麻说过 什么

  • What have you lacked here that you want to go back to your own country ? 'Pharaoh asked .

    法老对他说, 在我这里 什么缺乏,你竟要回你本国去呢?

  • What have you got in the way of material ? I want something warm but not too heavy .

    你们有些 什么料子?我想要穿起来暖和但又不太重的。

  • What have you learned from the symposium ?

    参加了这次科学讨论会, 什么体会?

  • ELIZABETH : Well hello ! What have you been doing lately ?

    To小编,(⊙v⊙)嗯.我锻炼一下自己,伊丽莎白: 你好,最近在忙 什么

  • What have you decided ? Can you tell me ?


  • ' Well ' she said eventually ' what have you to say for yourself ? '

    “那么”,她最后说,“ 什么好说的?”

  • What have you got for me this morning Patrick ?

    今天上午 为我安排 什么,帕特里克?

  • What have you done since the last Scrum meeting ?

    自上次Scrum会议后 什么

  • What have you been busying yourself with lately ?

    进来搞些 什么名堂?

  • Put them together and what have you got .

    把它们放在一起, 得到 什么

  • The store sells big ones small ones medium ones or what have you .

    那家商店卖大号的、小号的、中号的, 应有尽有

  • My great-grandfather made horseshoes and nails and what have you .

    我曾祖父打制马掌、铁钉等 诸如此类 东西

  • What have you learned from them ?

    从中 学到 什么

  • What have you found so far ?

    到目前为止发现 什么

  • Manager : Ok these things happen but what have you done to correct the situation ?

    好了。这种 事情既然 已经发生了, 怎么解决这种情况呢?

  • What have you done to your face ?

    脸上 怎么 的?

  • I am fine . What have you been doing ?

    我很好, 最近 什么呢?

  • What have you learned in college that might change your mind ?

    在大学里学习是否会 有新的打算?

  • What have you got up in w_245 your sleeve Out with it !


  • And what have you been doing before ?

    以前做 什么工作?

  • What have you done this year ? This step is about documenting your career progression and identifying key achievements .

    这一步是用来理清你的职业发展过程的,并且明确 取得了 哪些重要成绩。

  • So many things are unsafe these days — milk cranberry sauce what have you

    如今很多食品都不安全——牛奶、蓝莓酱 等等

  • Oh what have you done you wretch !

    噢, 什么,你这个混蛋!

  • When asked the job interview question What have you learned from your mistakes ?

    面试中 遇到这样的问题 从错误中学到了 什么

  • What have you been doing all your life ?

    一直在做 什么生活?