west of

[wɛst ʌv][west ɔv]


  • Developing Institutional Capacity at the Regional Level : the Development of a Coastal Forum in the North West of England

    发展区域机构能力&英格兰 西北 沿海论坛的发展

  • I live in the west of the city .

    我住在城市的 西部

  • The factory lies to the west of town .

    工厂位于小镇 西边

  • It 's going to arrive at the west of Kisangani before tomorrow I think .

    我想明天之前这火就会烧到基桑加尼 西部

  • West of the mountains the climate is damp from Pacific winds .

    山的 西面,气候因太平洋的湿风而变得湿润。

  • The high mountainous Alps in the west of Austria flatten somewhat into low lands and plains in the east of the country .

    奥地利 西面的阿尔卑斯高山变得有些平坦,直接和国家的东面的低地和平原融为一体。

  • The region of Galicia in the north west of the country is gaining in popularity .

    加利西亚地区, 西北 的国家越来越多的欢迎。

  • I 'm in an estuary in the west of england .

    我正身处英国 西部的河口。

  • Liqin Wang house at the West City West Street West of imperial root miso square east side alley northbound .

    礼亲王府位于西城区西皇城根南街 西侧,即大酱坊胡同东口路北。

  • The environment damage in the west of China and environment education ;

    我国高校公共环境教育起步 较晚,存在问题较多。

  • Kunshan is just west of Shanghai in the heart of modernizing China .

    昆山在上海的 西边,坐落于现代化中国的中心。

  • I will travel to the west of country this summer .

    这个夏天我要去国家的 西部旅游。

  • About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood .

    他在镇子 以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。

  • Industrial development is being centered its attention on the west of the country .

    这个国家的 西部正集中发展工业。

  • Oxford is west of london .

    牛津在伦敦 以西

  • In the west of England the traditional drink is cider rather than beer .

    英格兰 西部的传统饮料是苹果酒,而不是啤酒。

  • He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England .

    他是英格兰 西部一所公学的校长。

  • Datian National Nature Reserve is located in Dongfang County west of Hainan province .

    大田国家自然保护区位于海南 西部的东方县境内。

  • Some nationalist critics have accused the West of using the holiday as a tool of foreign imperialism .

    一些民族主义者指责 西方利用圣诞节作为外国帝国主义的工具。

  • Korea lies ( to the ) west of Japan .

    韩国在日本 以西

  • The rich went to live in the west of London upwind of the smell of people and industry .

    有钱人搬去伦敦 西区住,远离尘世的喧嚣。

  • Since 1904 trams have been running from East to West of Hong Kong Island .

    早在1904年起,香港电车已穿梭香港岛 东西行走。

  • On Sunday it also seized Tal Afar a town of about 200 people west of Mosul .

    上周日,这群武装分子还攻克了摩苏尔 以西、拥有大约20万人口的小城泰勒阿费尔。

  • Oliver was the most popular name for boys in six English regions for example but Jack was still the top name in Wales and in the north east and north west of England .

    例如,尽管Oliver在英格兰六个地区中是最受欢迎的男孩名,但在威尔士以及英格兰东北和 西北 地区,Jack依然最受欢迎。

  • Changling County is located at the west of Jilin Province the hinterland of Songliao Plain .

    长岭县位于吉林省 西部,松辽平原腹地。

  • All the major monuments are west of the train station but make sure you use a map .

    所有主要的古迹都在 西火车站附近,可以使用地图来确认。

  • Situated west of Jordan .

    西岸位于约旦 西部

  • Of or characteristic of regions of the United States west of the Mississippi River .

    指密西西比河 以西的美国地区,或者具有这一地区特点的。