


  • He was abashed at forgetting his wife 's birthday .

    他因忘了 妻子的生日而感到惭愧。

  • His wife gave birth to twin girls .


  • I had papers relating to the children which my wife and I had to sign .

    我有一些关于孩子的文件需要我和 妻子签字。

  • The woman was the wife of a film director .

    这个女人是一个电影导演的 妻子

  • My wife has just had a baby


  • My wife and I have taken the cottage for a month .

    我和 妻子租下这套乡间小屋已经一个月了。

  • His affections were turned from his wife .

    他对 妻子的感情转移了。

  • Three years ago my wife and I divorced . I caught her with her boss .

    3年前,我和 老婆离了婚。我发现她和她老板有染。

  • My wife and I discovered some superb places to eat

    我和 妻子发现了一些就餐的极好去处。

  • His wife and children moved to join him in their new home

    他的 妻子和孩子们搬进了他们的新家,和他一起生活。

  • I now pronounce you man and wife .

    我现在宣布你们结为 夫妻

  • As the day set for departure drew near I told my wife that I could not accompany them .

    起程的日子就要到了,我告诉 妻子我不能陪他们了。

  • He married a wife by whom he had two daughters .

    他娶了 妻子并跟她生了两个女儿。

  • Soon afterwards he separated from his wife .

    不久以后,他和 妻子分居了。

  • Did he divorce his wife or did she divorce him ?

    是他要和 妻子离婚,还是 妻子要和他离婚?

  • I have a wife and two small children

    我有一个 妻子和两个年幼的孩子。

  • Just as John has changed so has his wife

    约翰变了,他的 妻子也变了。

  • You can 't run out on my wife and me like that .

    你不能就那样抛弃我和我 妻子

  • He and his wife both strongly support abortion rights .

    他和 妻子都强烈支持堕胎权。

  • He called her up one day and said that he and his wife were coming to New York

    有一天,他给她打电话,说他和 妻子要来纽约。

  • Tristan had been separated from his wife for two years .

    特里斯坦和 妻子已经分居两年了。

  • I would avoid him like the plague when his wife and my parents were around

    他的 妻子和我的父母在旁边时,我会极力躲着他。

  • His wife had cuckolded him .


  • The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist

    那个牙医离开了和他 生活了15年的 妻子,与自己诊所的接待小姐公开同居。

  • He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey .

    他辞别了 妻子便启程了。

  • He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife .

    他对谋杀 前妻的指控作了无罪抗辩。

  • It seems to me your wife was a shallow woman and you 're well rid of her .

    在我看来你 妻子是一个浅薄的女人,幸好你离开了她。

  • He married his wife Jane 37 years ago

    他37年前娶了 妻子简。

  • That 's my wife you were talking to

    刚才和你说话的人是我 老婆