wide of the mark

[waɪd ʌv ði mɑrk][waid ɔv ðə mɑ:k]


  • My initial diagnosis it seems was not too wide of the mark .

    我最初的诊断似乎并不太 离谱

  • No I am much older than that you is wide of the mark .

    不,我比那个年龄大多了你 得太 离谱了。

  • That comparison isn 't as wide of the mark as it seems .

    那种比较并非像看起来那么 离谱

  • Her theory turned out to be pretty wide of the mark .

    结果证明她的理论错得 离谱

  • Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should take into account how many earlier efforts have been wide of the mark .

    要评估美国在今后几十年的实力,就得考虑早先有多少评估不 靠谱

  • Yet amid all the sadness Zidane believes suggestions that Beckham is ready to be put out to grass in California are totally wide of the mark .

    在所有的悲伤中,齐达内相信那些说贝克汉姆准备在加利福尼亚闲居的观点 离谱

  • Hopes that power shortages in China will eliminate some of this local production and galvanise imports are wide of the mark .

    以为电力紧缺会促使中国减少本地生产并增加进口的想法是 不切实际

  • A candlestick having such a spike . This too went wide of the mark ; but when it hit the ground the sharp spike at the top pierced Ah Erh 's shin and made it bleed .

    烛台有这种尖的蜡烛台烛台并没命中,但在掉到地下 时候,烛台顶上的那枝 铜针却刺着了阿二的小腿。见了血了!

  • They are not realistic plays and it would not be too far wide of the mark to call them dreams or fantasies .

    这是些不真实的剧本,称它们为空想或幻想并不 离谱

  • His assessment of the situation might be rather wide of the mark .

    他对形势的估计可能相当 离谱

  • He threw his spear at the man but it went wide of the mark .

    他将 梭镖掷向那人,但偏得太远没有 击中

  • His view is wide of the mark . From the view of audience it is that media is the mark in audience mind .

    这一观点实在 偏颇。从受众的角度分析,品牌栏目是媒体在受众心目中 固定化和 标识化,它是观众长期观赏经验中形成的一种集体无意识。

  • My prediction of new and intrusive financial regulation thanks to the failure of the previous system is on balance beginning to look wide of the mark .

    总体上说,我的预言(由于之前体系的失灵,将出现新的、侵入性的金融监管)看上去正显得 离谱

  • By and large these warnings have turned out to be wide of the mark .

    总的来说,这些警告已被证明是 杞人忧天

  • Our forecast of the demand for the new book was very wide of the mark ? We have sold for more than we expected .

    我们对这本新书的预测是 确切 :我们 售出的书要比预料的多得多。

  • What he told me was quite wide of the mark .

    他告诉我的太 离谱儿了。

  • However reports that his injury could blight the rest of Walcott 's career appear to be wide of the mark .

    但是,报告说,他的伤势可能会枯萎病其余的沃尔科特的职业生涯似乎是 不着边际

  • It seems I was wide of the mark or perhaps I was painfully close to the truth .

    似乎是我 大错特错了,或者,也可能是我太 一针见血了。

  • The arrow went wide of the mark ; a bullet went astray and killed a bystander .

    箭离 靶子 很远;一颗子弹打歪了,射杀了一个旁观者。

  • We did not line the shot up properly and the ball went wide of the mark .

    我们 射门的准备不当,球离 目标差得

  • Reports in Australia of a bid closer to a $ 22 a share were wide of the mark the person said adding that a deal could be announced this week provided it did not hit last-minute hurdles .

    该知情人士表示,澳大利亚一些报道所称的接近每股22 澳元的报价并不准确,并补充 表示,如果在最后关头不遇到阻碍,那么, 交易可能在本周公布。

  • They come off a bit better than their sightseeing countrymen even if their early views were wide of the mark .

    即使他们早期的观点有些 离谱,也比来观光的同胞稍好一点。

  • But perhaps Mr Clinton was not so wide of the mark after all .

    但或许,克林顿到头来并非错得那么 离谱

  • Where the Kennedy thesis appeared wide of the mark was in suggesting the US was seriously at risk of imperial overstretch as with Spain in 1600 or Britain in 1900 .

    肯尼迪命题中 离谱之处在于,他提出美国存在帝国过度扩张的严重危险,就如1600年的西班牙或1900年的英国。

  • The kick was wide ; the arrow was wide of the mark ; a claim that was wide of the truth .

    这一脚是 ;箭没有命中 靶子;一个不切实际的要求。