widow lady

[ˈwɪdo ˈledi][ˈwidəu ˈleidi]


  • Nor was he mistaken : for a widow lady with her sleeves rolled up to her shoulders and her arms frothy with soap-suds and smoking with hot water replied to the summons with startling rapidity .

    他没有错,因为一位 寡居 太太以惊人的敏捷回答了这个召唤;她袖子卷到肩膀上,胳膊上沾满了肥皂泡,而且冒着雾腾腾的热气。

  • ' You said she was a poor widow lady ! ' — ' In a manner of speaking she is ' Alison said .

    “你说过她是个可怜的 寡妇!”——“从某种意义上说,她就是,”艾利森说。

  • In short they entertained me not like what I was but like what they thought I had been namely a widow lady of a great fortune .

    总之,她们招待我,不像实在的我,却像他们所以为的我,那就是,一个拥有大笔财产的 寡妇