white yolk

[hwaɪt jok][hwait jəuk]


  • Combine the egg white the yolk and the chocolate-butter mixture ; gently mix well .

    将打发的 蛋清 蛋黄以及巧克力黄油混合,轻轻搅拌均匀。

  • The fatty acids of egg white and yolk from eggs and duck eggs were detected which indicated that monounsaturated fatty acids DHA and EPA of yolk were higher than those of egg white .

    测定了各种鸡蛋和鸭蛋 蛋清 蛋黄中脂肪酸的构成,发现蛋黄中的单不饱和脂肪酸比蛋清的高。

  • Cook eggs thoroughly until the white and the yolk become firm .

    蛋要彻底煮熟,直至 蛋黄蛋白都变得坚实。

  • Comparing with eggs white Da concentration in eggs yolk increased by 5.49 % .

    与对照组相比,实验组鸡蛋中Da含量提高 5.49%

  • First the macro structure of e-government system model based on Struts adopt three-layers ' B / S Structure its t DB-layer application-layer and browser-layer of this structure equal to the egg white yolk and egg shell of egg model .

    首先,基于Struts的电子政务系统模型总体架构采用三层B/S结构,它的数据库层、应用层、用户浏览器层分别对应鸡蛋模型的 蛋清蛋黄、蛋壳三层。

  • We provide egg white yolk and mixture of both to customers .

    此外,我们提供 高品质 洗选 咸蛋 皮蛋卤蛋 煮蛋给消费者。

  • An egg boiled gently until both the white and the yolk solidify .

    煮到 蛋清 蛋黄都变硬时的鸡蛋。

  • Wet egg white and yolk collected from fresh egg were dried in vacuum at the temperature of 45 ℃ .

    购鲜鸡蛋去壳、 分别收集湿蛋白和 蛋黄,在45℃下分别真空干燥,得 蛋白 蛋黄

  • The effects of egg white yolk content and applied voltage on ohmic heating rate of egg white and yolk solution were also investigated .

    研究了 蛋清蛋黄浓度和电压对蛋清溶液、蛋黄溶液加热速率的影响。

  • During the processing of boiling marinating and drying water content in egg white and yolk decreased gradually from about 84 % and 50 % to 79 % and 47 % .

    在卤煮、腌制和烘制过程中, 卤蛋蛋白、 蛋黄中水分不断降低, 分别从约84%和50%降低至约79%和47%。

  • Its shell was made of an opaque white enamel and it contained a gold yolk .

    这枚彩蛋的弹壳是由它不透明的 白釉制作,里面的 蛋黄用金子制作。

  • The detection limits for egg white and egg yolk were 0.01 mg / kg and 0.03 mg / kg respectively .

    蛋清中的检测限为0.01mg/kg, 蛋黄中的检测限为0.03mg/kg。

  • The results showed that the electrical conductivity of egg white and yolk solution increased with temperature egg white and yolk content and applied voltage and electrical conductivity shows a linear relation with the temperature .

    结果表明, 蛋清溶液、 蛋黄溶液的电导率随温度、蛋清和蛋黄浓度和电压的增高而增大,且电导率与温度呈线性关系;

  • Onion-flavored creamy white sauce with egg yolk and grated cheese .

    洋葱调味的 蛋黄和干酪屑做成的 白色乳脂状沙司。

  • 60-week-old white Leghorn Laying hens were used to study the effect of feeding oils rich in fatty acid different in number and position of double bond to laying hens on the lipid content and fatty acid composition of egg yolk .

    选用60周龄 来航蛋鸡进行为期20d的试验,研究产蛋鸡饲粮中脂肪酸饱和程度和双键位置不同的油脂对 蛋黄脂质成分和脂肪酸组成的影响。