White's disease


  • This paper had discussed the relationship and its clinical significance between such behavior and brain white matter rarefaction Binswanger 's disease vascular dementia TIA and arterial sclerosis cerebral infarction .

    本文主要讨论它与脑 质疏松、binswanger 、血管性痴呆、短暂性脑缺血发作及动脉硬化性脑梗死的关系及临床意义。

  • Correlation between the MR DTI imaging of the frontal white matter damage and the clinical executive function in patients with Alzheimer 's disease

    阿尔茨海默 额叶 质损害的DTI与临床执行功能的关系脑白质切断术额叶前部的脑 质切断术

  • He has the white man 's disease .

    他患的是 白人