whole length

[hol lɛŋkθ][həul leŋθ]



  • Prediction of distribution characterss · of volcanic facies by using seismic and logging facies seismogram synthesis for horizontal wells in whole length

    地震相和测井相联合预测火山岩相分布特征研究水平井 合成地震记录制作方法

  • According to the linearized wave - current force the correlation matrix of wave-current forces acting on two points of inclined cylinder is developed and then the wave-current spectral density force matrix on unit and whole length of inclined cylinder are obtained .

    根据线性化的波流力,求得了倾斜杆件上不同两点间的波流力相关矩阵,进而求得了单元波流力和 整个 件上波流作用力的谱密度矩阵。

  • The common bolt is made to be fixed the whole length after grouting the layers are connected to a integral whole and bear the weight of loads so the support structure 's unity is increased .

    注浆加固后能使普通端锚锚杆实现 全长锚固,它们共同将多层组合拱连成一体,共同承载,提高了支护结构的整体性。

  • Then as you came closer you raised the whole length of the island . More recently Detroit has been experiencing a renaissance .

    等再靠近些,整个岛屿就能 尽收眼底。到了最近,底特律正在体验重生。

  • One felt oneself aimed at by some person whom one did not see and one understood that guns were levelled at the whole length of the street .

    在这儿,人感到被一个看不见的人所瞄准,并且知道 条街都被人瞄准着。

  • Let us see that we stand erect here and do not lie along by our whole length in the dirt .

    我们要明白我们是笔直地站在人生里,而不是 整个身体 横躺在泥土上。

  • I was on a slight elevation and could see the whole length of the gorge .

    我站在一个小山上,整个峡谷 尽收眼底。

  • His room was an immense attic which ran the whole length of the dairy-house .

    他的房间是一个很大的阁楼,同 整个牛奶房的 长度一样

  • The original C5 model was the first where Citroen dispensed with all the complicated pipework running up and down the whole length of the car .

    最初的C5型号是雪铁龙第一次撤销了所有复杂的(上升的?)管道工程并降低 车的 长度

  • The first person to walk the whole length of the Great Wall was Liu yutian .

    第一个走完长城 全程 刘宇田

  • Result : The whole length of lingual artery was ( 9.73 ± 0.83 ) cm .

    结果:舌动脉 全长为(9.73±0.83)cm;

  • The lecturer of last evening went the whole length in advocating woman suffrage .

    昨天晚上的 演说者 竭尽所能提倡妇女投票权。

  • First the organizational structure and human distribution of support for consumers initiated by Airbus corporation are analyzed based on the managerial concept of integral sys-tem and whole length of service life .

    在全系统、 寿命管理的思想基础上,对航空制造巨商&空客公司的用户支援的组织结构与人力分布进行了剖析;

  • Cementing well by using slag slurry in whole length can improve the quality of well cementing and reduce the cost of it .

    以低密度矿渣水泥浆研究结果为基础,设计高密度水泥浆,使油气井 使用矿渣水泥浆固井,以提高固井质量,降低固井成本。

  • It contains salubrious oil-control essence which penetrates into each hair in its whole length to balance the oil and moisture improve oily hair and make it smooth and natural .

    蕴含清爽 控油精华,能渗入头发与 发根,平衡油份和水份,改善油性发质,令头发清爽自然。

  • Down the whole length of the narrow thoroughfare circles of girls were revolving in the dance .


  • Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue chains of misty brilliance in the blue air .

    忽然,路灯亮了,照亮了 整个第五大街,在忧郁的空气中 凝成两条朦胧的光带。

  • This paper presents comparative tests of the different stress conditions of prestressed anchor member with free way and cohesion way in the whole length given to the effect of support in different wall .

    给出了预应力自由式锚杆及 全长粘接式锚杆在不同墙面上受力的不同的预应力值 大小对支护效果影响的对比试验。

  • The transverse method in which both the grinding wheel and the workpiece rotate and longitudinal linear feed is applied to enable grinding of the whole length .

    横向方法:这种方法中砂轮与工件均旋转且采用线性纵向进给以保证能磨削 整个 长度

  • Then the soft rays of caudal fin developed finally at 18-20 days post hatching with 7.10-7.31 mm whole length .

    至18~20日龄, 全长7.10~7.31mm时,尾鳍鳍条发育 完整

  • This paper studies the whole length surface hardening procedure of the special section hot extruding wing rail for high speed railway which used for speed about 200km / h.

    试验研究了时速200km/h的高速铁路道岔特种断面热挤压翼轨及其 全长轨头表面淬火工艺。

  • The technology of composite bolt pile with high pressure grouting in single hole makes the shear stress uniformly distributed along with the whole length of bolt pile avoiding the phenomena of the shear stress reduction in time .

    中高压注浆单孔复合锚杆桩技术能使粘结应力均匀分布在 整个锚杆桩体 长度上,不会发生粘结效应逐步弱化现象;

  • The fabric can now be released and this procedure is repeated along the whole length of the seam .

    现在可以松开面料,在 整个 缝纫过程中不断重复这道程序。

  • Suddenly the lights came on uo the whole length of Fifth Avenue chains of misty brilliance in the blue air .

    突然,几束昏暗的等光穿过薄雾, 撒落在蓝色夜空下的 整个第五大道。

  • Objective To obtain the whole length gene of dragline .

    目的为获得蜘蛛拖 蛋白 基因。

  • The little boy was proud that he could cover the whole length of the swimming pool without coming up for breath .

    那个小男孩非常自豪,因为他已经可以游完游泳池的 全长而不露出水面换气。

  • It is confirmed according to the cutting platform specification required by the customer ; make sure that the equipment has the whole length of journey .

    根据客户所需的切割平台规格确定,确保设备具有行程的 全部 长度

  • Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once .

    有些孩子能够跑完游泳池的 全长而不用露出水面换气。