[计] 显示本用户信息

  • Your whoami should return your login name .

    您的 whoami应该返回您的登录名称。

  • To find out you can use the whoami command to return the name of the current user .

    为找出答案,您可以使用 whoami命令来返回当前用户的名称。

  • The phrase'whoami'runs the command whoami and inserts the result of that command in place of the phrase .

    短语 whoami 运行命令whoami并将该命令的结果插入 短语 所在位置。

  • The aim is to get something like ssh-n host whoami to work without being asked for a password .

    这样做的目的是能够不需询问密码就可以执行ssh-nhost whoami这样的命令。

  • If your prompt does not include your user id then you can use the whoami command to check your current effective id.

    如果您的提示没有包括用户id,可以使用 whoami命令来检查您当前有效的id。