wholesale goods


  • How do the accessories wholesale ? May sell goods for the state ?

    饰品如何 批发?可以 代销吗?

  • Frankly speaking wholesale dealer in our country is not quite satisfied with the goods import from you .

    坦率地说吧,我们那里的 批发商对从你方进口的 货物不太满意。

  • Only licensed stores can buy wholesale goods .

    只有有执照的商店才能购买 批发 货物

  • News of slowing inflation followed tame data on wholesale goods price rises which sparked a rally for stocks and bonds on Tuesday .

    在通胀放缓的消息公布之前,数据显示美国 批发 商品价格上涨幅度温和,由此引发了股市和债市周二反弹。

  • Wholesale : Selling goods to retailers customers of industry commerce and organizations or to other wholesalers or providing relevant attaching services ;

    批发:对零售商和工业、商业、机构等用户或其他批发商的 货物销售及相关附属服务;

  • Buy sell w_421 at wholesale prices The goods are duly packed .


  • Wholesale business wholesale business to business generally each approved the sale of large quantities of goods in accordance with the wholesale price .

    批发业务一般由 批发企业来经营,每次批售的 商品数量较大,并按批发价格出售。

  • The wholesale suppliers arrived to take an order for goods .

    批发商们来接受 订货

  • It was a wholesale dry goods concern and employed women .

    这是一家 绸缎 批发 公司,因此雇佣女 店员

  • Its objective is : makes the genuine practical smallcommodity wholesale to stock with goods the on-line platform therealization small commodity merchant practical superior inexpensiveon-line electronic commerce application .

    其宗旨是:打造真正实用的小 商品 批发进货在线平台,实现小商品商家务实优廉的网上电子商务应用。

  • It is our intention to confine ourselves to the wholesale business of silk goods .

    本公司 专门 经营各种丝 制品 批发业务。

  • Separate figures showed inflation in the price of core wholesale goods also cooled .

    其它数据显示,美国核心 批发 产品的价格通胀率也有所趋缓。

  • Longterm she wants joor to be an eBay ( eBay ) of wholesale goods .

    比乔尔的长期目标是把这个平台建成时装 产品 批发行业的“易趣”(eBay)。

  • Production : polyester resins ; Wholesale and retail : chemical materials ( including dangerous goods ) 0 paint paint building materials metal accessories .

    生产:聚酯树脂; 批发零售:化工材料(不含危险 )0,油漆,涂料,建筑材料,五金配件。

  • Inflation figures Produce Price Index ( PPI ) and the Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) will in short inform us of the changes in wholesale prices cost of consumer ( retail ) goods and services respectively .

    价格相同的一 货物通胀方面,生产物价指数和消费物价指数分别让我们知道 物品和服务的 批发和消费价格的变动。