white spirit

[hwaɪt ˈspɪrɪt][hwait ˈspirit]


  • Both white spirit reforming and low-degree white spirit need high quality material wine .


  • The method described here is based on above methods using high resolution peak matching technique which can be used to determine N & Nitrosocompounds in white spirit beer and wine ( 50 samples altogether ) . The results were discussed and estimated .

    本文采用其中一种方法即高分辨峰匹配技术测定了一些 白酒、啤酒、葡萄酒共50份样品中四种N&亚硝基化合物的含量,并对其结果进行了讨论与评价。

  • The Strain AS 3.4309 which can produce glucoamylase is generally used to prepare leaven in the production of white spirit .

    清香型麸曲 白酒生产中的糖化酶菌种一般采用AS3.4309。用它生产的麸曲简称快曲。

  • The Act introduced solid fermentation production of the digital control of the white spirit meaning white spirit production database and the establishment of the steps .

    介绍了固态发酵法 白酒生产实施数字化控制的意义和建立白酒生产数据库的步骤。

  • Just dunk it thoroughly in white spirit for five minutes .

    只要把它整个放在 白酒里浸泡五分钟。

  • Ink painting focuses on subjective experience stressed that a means of expressing and description with a special emphasis on pen and ink techniques of writing and fluency lyricism and screen a large black and white spirit and examine appropriate to grasp .

    水墨画主要侧重于主观感受,强调对意味的抒发和描写,特别注重笔墨技法的书写性、流畅性、抒情性及画面大的 气韵 黑白意韵的恰当把握。

  • This text starts from the marketing manage theories analyzing first is decision theories marketing cooperate theories accounts receivable theories and the management theories of marketing represent which are related to a few key problems of current white spirit dealer .

    本文从营销管理的理论开始,首先分析了与 白酒经销商目前存在的几个主要问题相关的的基础知识:营销决策理论、营销合作中的冲突、应收账款的管理和营销代表的管理。

  • Volatile-laden crude oil The painter thinned the paint down with white spirit .

    易挥发烃稀释后的原油画 家用石油 溶剂稀释油料。

  • Remove paint from the brushes with white spirit Erythrocyte hemolysis during leukocyte-reduction filtration

    用石油 溶剂除去刷子上的油漆.过滤去除 细胞过程中的红细胞溶血

  • Absorbing development experience and the creative thinking way of new product development at home and abroad the function white spirit will develop healthily and has vast market foreground in our country .

    吸取国内外发展经验及新产品开发的创新思路,我国功能性 白酒必将健康发展,并有广阔的市场前景1w_1577。

  • Meantime the market performance of wine industry is remarkable among all the alcohol drink processing industries exceeding traditional white spirit industry and beer industry .

    同时,葡萄酒行业的市场绩效在酿酒行业中也属佼佼者,超过了传统的 白酒和啤酒行业。

  • The Rational Consideration in Quietness - An analysis of China 's White Spirit Market in 1999

    沉寂中透出理性的思考&1999年中国 白酒市场简析

  • Based on the characteristics of the wastewater from white spirit distilleries UASB_SBR_ceramsite_filtration process was selected for the treatment of the wastewater .

    根据 白酒污水水质特点,选择了UASB-SBR陶粒过滤处理工艺。

  • A Few Key Problems Research on the Marketing of White Spirit Dealer


  • This paper also based upon the comprehensive evaluation index system constricted employs entropy method to do a comprehensive evaluation of operational results of10 white spirit listed companies and come to a actual conclusion .

    同时根据所构建的综合评价指标体系,将熵权法应用于10家 酒类上市公司经营业绩的综合评价,得到了与实际相一致的结论。

  • White spirit is one of our traditional consumer products . As the liquor industry is increasingly competitive and the food quality safety problems are more prominent the fundamental significance of white spirit quality tracing is to bring both the consumers and manufacturers a win-win situation .


  • Adsorb ability on fusel oil in white spirit 's by macroporous adsorbent resin

    大孔吸附树脂对 白酒中杂醇油吸附特性的研究

  • The wine-making industry in China has a history of several thousand years . White spirit unique liquor produced in China and among the six world-renowned distilled liquors is never a follower of others .

    中国的酿酒业已有数千年的发展历史, 白酒作为我国特有的酒种,是世界六大蒸馏酒之一,在世界烈性酒类产品中独树一帜。

  • Conclusion : Saffron could reduce the liver injury and lipid peroxidation induced by white spirit and CCl_4 .

    C、E组与B、D组比较肝脏组织学观察炎症明显减轻。结论: 藏红花能减轻 酒精及酒精CCl4所致肝损伤和脂质过氧化。

  • Chinese people drink white spirit when they eat .

    中国人吃饭的时候喝 白酒

  • The Application of Double Enzyme Method in the Production of Solid White Spirit

    双酶法在固态 白酒生产中的应用

  • Thin down paint with white spirit volatile-laden crude oil

    用石油 溶剂稀释油漆.易挥发烃 稀释后的原油

  • Chinese wine has many varieties including white spirit Shaoxing wine fruit wine beer medicinal liquor and makes-up-wine roughly .

    中国酒大体上可以分为 白酒、黄酒、果酒、啤酒、药酒和配制酒。以酒解酒(醉酒后再喝点酒)

  • Flying up high in the blue sky the kite seems like a little white spirit .

    风筝在高高的蓝天上飞舞,像一个小小的 白色 精灵

  • The development and utilization of white spirit and yellow rice wine distillers ' grains


  • White spirit is one of the most deadly solvents : It is harmful if touched or inhaled .

    其中石油 溶剂油又是最致死的溶剂之一,如果接触或者吸入的话会 造出很大危害。

  • S Company was a large business enterprise with white spirit producing and sale .

    S公司是一家以 白酒生产、销售为主营业务的大型企业。

  • The painter thinned the paint down with white spirit . Using Kerosene Dilution ( Densimeter ) Method to Determine Foam Heavy Oil Density

    画家用石油 溶剂 稀释油料。煤油稀释(密度计)法测定泡沫稠油密度

  • Housing industry this cake very attractive ? White spirit predators into commercial real estate !

    房产业这块蛋糕很吸引? 白酒大鳄进军商业地产!

  • A Reconstruction Project of White Spirit Production Effluent Treatment Using ABR-SBR Process

    ABR-SBR工艺处理 白酒生产废水的改造工程实例