


  • The gear wheal in the workshop is worn out . Change it for another one immediately .

    车间里的 牙轮磨损了,赶快换一个。

  • S ( for chronic Urticaria ) treatment degree of pruritus and size quantity frequency and lasting time of wheal were observed .

    观察两组患者瘙痒程度、风团大小、 风团数量、 风团 发作频率、 风团持续时间等 积分的变化。

  • The wheal and flare area compared with itself after dose and before dose There was no significantly differed in small-blue-dragon soup ( P > 0 . 05 ) in loratadine shows a highly significant treatment effecy ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

    结果:1.服药前后各组 风团红晕面积的自身比较小青龙汤组服药后和服药前比较差别没显著性(P>0.05),氯雷他定组服药后和服药前差别有显著性(P<0.05)。

  • Inhibitory effect of terfenadine on the wheal reaction to skin test

    特非那丁对皮肤试验 风团反应的抑制作用

  • Comparative Activity of Antihistamines on Area Under Dose-response Curve from Histamine-induced Wheal and Flare Responses in Human Skin

    组胺 点刺皮肤 试验的剂量&反应曲线下面积比较抗组胺药物的活性

  • Objective : Chronic urticaria is one familiar skin disease which represented that damage of local dropsy result from temporary inflammation congest and lots of liquid leakage from skin retia vas caused by many factors and it behaves as wheal .

    目的:慢性 荨麻疹是一种常见的皮肤过敏性疾病。由各种因素致使皮肤粘膜血管发生暂时性炎性充血与大量液体渗出而造成局部水肿性的损害。

  • Chronic urticaria is a common skin disease manifested by recurrent erythema wheal with itching ( may be combined with angioedema ) sustained at least six weeks .

    慢性荨麻疹(CU)是一类常见的皮肤病,表现为反复出现的红斑、 风团伴瘙痒(可合并血管性水肿),持续至少六周以上。

  • Result ( 1 ) Skin prick test : all the patients in litchi group had positive reactions and the controls had negative reactions . The wheal size of the two groups has significant difference ( P 0.01 ) .

    皮肤点刺试验:荔枝组均出现阳性反应,而对照组则为阴性反应,两组 风团 面积大小比较差异有显著意义(P0.01)。

  • The long axis and middle point vertical diameter of the wheal and the inflammatory areola were measured 15 min after histamine prick and 1 hour 2 hours after having taken the medicine .

    测量组胺点刺试验后15min,服药后1h、2h 风团和红晕最长径、中点垂直直径,并 计算面积

  • There was also statistical significance difference between the correlation of the serum specific IgE levels and size of SPT wheal by both allergens .

    结果两种尘螨过敏原 浸液 风团伪足 直径有显著性差异( p<0.05), Alutard-SQ 皮肤 试验 结果与特异性IgE水平相关性好,国内过敏原浸液皮肤试验与特异性IgE水平相关性差。

  • The experiments on guinea pig wheal show that the preparation induces an infiltration anesthetic effect which may be potentiated by epinephrine hydrochloride .


  • Because of the wheal anti-itch liquid sprayer the patients can quickly spray medicine to the sick parts on their own the medicine is sprayed evenly and the curative effect is good .

    本实用新型病人可自行向患病部位进行快速 喷药,药物喷涂均匀、并且治疗效好。

  • Background : Chronic urticaria also known as urticaria edematous wheal limitations ranging from a size of the skin and mucous membrane accompanied by intense itching .

    背景:慢性荨麻疹又称 疹,是皮肤黏膜一过性大小不等的局限性水肿性 风团,伴有剧烈瘙痒。

  • The scores of pruritus wheal number size and persisting time as well as SSRI of the testing group were much lower than those in the controlled group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    治疗2周和4周后,试验组的瘙痒、 风团数目、 风团大小、 发作持续时间及症状总积分均明显低于对照组(P<005);