



  • Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed heartily and said .

    我的汽车修理师一看就 开心地哈哈大笑起来。

  • ' Well get on with it then ' said Dobson whereupon Davies started to explain .

    “那好吧,继续吧,”多布森说, 于是戴维斯开始解释。

  • Mr Muite refused to talk to them except in the company of his legal colleagues whereupon the police officers departed

    缪特先生拒绝在没有其律师同事陪同的情况下和他们说话, 于是警察们就离开了。

  • It does and the temperature falls to80 degrees whereupon the fan turns off .

    没错,启动了,温度下降到了80度, 然后风扇停了。

  • We have a constitution whereupon the country run its government .

    我们有一部国家 赖以施政的宪法。

  • I gave her some money and turned her out whereupon she decamped with an Italian painter .

    我给了她一笔钱,把她赶了出去 她跟意大利的一个画家远走高飞了。

  • He saw me coming whereupon he ran off in the other direction .

    他看见我来了, 于是就向另一个方向逃跑了。

  • Whereupon the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man .

    于是 便开始了 索愿意为小男孩牺牲的人。

  • He insulted her whereupon she slapped him .

    他侮辱她, 于是她给了他一巴掌。

  • He stamped with his heel heavily on the floor ; whereupon there arose a hollow echo from below .

    他用他的脚后跟使劲地跺着地面,从下面发出空 洞洞的回声。

  • The Player actors wait to be asked for a move whereupon each one responds with an arbitrary move .

    Playeractors等待动向请求, 因此每一个都用一个任意举动进行响应。

  • After a while I was ordered out of the room whereupon I met Bert and lion again the latter looking ashen .

    过了一阵子,我被叫到屋外,又遇见了伯特和莱昂,莱昂已是 面如土色

  • He subsequently moves into the adjacent room 2047 whereupon he meets the two women whose stories will cast shadows over his own .

    他后来搬进毗连的房间, 2047因此他遇见故事将会投了图像的二个女人在他自己的之上。

  • We went home for a coffee whereupon VIV became violently ill with food poisoning .

    我们回家去喝一杯咖啡, 随后维夫患了严重的食物中毒。

  • Addy stared at them in amazement whereupon all three burst out laughing .

    阿迪惊讶地盯着他们, 于是他们3个人都放声大笑起来。

  • She laughed at him whereupon he walked out .

    她嘲笑他,他 随之 离去

  • He saw me coming whereupon he offered me his seat .

    他看到我来, 于是把座位让给了我。

  • I related the anecdote whereupon he laughed heartily .

    我叙述那件 轶事,他听了( 马上)开怀大笑。