


  • The snake woman had a wheelbarrow full of pot plants outside her place .

    有蛇 纹身的女人,屋外面的 手推车也种满了植物。

  • Roger hid the stolen statue in a wheelbarrow and came back for it in the midnight .

    罗杰把偷来的雕像藏在 手推车里,半夜来取。

  • Then he saw the wheelbarrow full of pot plants outside the snake woman 's place .

    这时,他看到 纹身女人那 装花盆的 手推车

  • She trundled the wheelbarrow down the garden .

    她费力地沿着花园推着 手推车

  • You are going to need a real wheelbarrow .

    你现在需要一个真正的 独轮车

  • The children had loaded on too much sand ; the wheelbarrow was brimming over .

    孩子们装载了太多的沙; 手推车 走边 外流

  • I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow .

    我穿上笨重的鞋,推出我的 手推车

  • I found a wheelbarrow to be a convenient place to mix my concrete but any sufficiently large container will do .

    我发现了一个 独轮车是一个方便的地方我的具体组合,但任何足够大的容器就可以了。

  • The Red Wheelbarrow is one of William Carlos Williams'main representatives .

    《红色 手推车 是威廉。卡洛斯。威廉斯主要代表作之一。

  • The gardener trundled a wheelbarrow along the path .

    那园丁在小径上推着一 手推车

  • There was a man who had worked at a factory for twenty years . Every night when he left the plant he would push a wheelbarrow full of straw to the guard at the gate .

    有个男人在工厂工作了20年,每个晚上当他离开工厂的时候,他都会推着一 满是稻草的 推车 来到大门口的警卫处。

  • My first foray into injection-moulded plastic was the ballbarrow a wheelbarrow with a large ball rather than a wheel for greater stability .

    我初次涉足注塑成型塑料领域,发明了“球 手推车”(ballbarrow)一种用大球代替车轮以提高稳定性的 独轮车

  • But I retained the landscape and I have since annually carried off what it yielded without a wheelbarrow .

    至于那 地方的风景,我却也保留住了,后来我每年都得到丰收,却不 需要 独轮车

  • Something gripped him in an unyielding hold . The gardener put the dead plants in his wheelbarrow .

    有什么东西死死地把他缠住不放。园丁把死掉的植物放到他的 手推车上。

  • We can bring my wheelbarrow for your teeth !

    我们为你的牙齿 准备 独轮车

  • I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow .

    我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到了 手推车里。

  • But presently as nothing happened he came out and climbed upon a wheelbarrow and peeped over .

    但是过了一会儿, 看看好像没有什么事情发生,他又钻了出来,爬上了一 手推车在上面 四周望去。

  • The wheelbarrow has one wheel .


  • The gardener put the dead plants in his wheelbarrow .

    园丁把死掉的植物放到他的 手推车上。

  • Has as if heard before the millennium here peddler 's yo-heave-ho saw the wheelbarrow carries the rice to pass through from the side .

    彷佛听到了千年前的这里小贩的吆喝声,看到 车载着大米从身边走过。

  • From that savings I made wheelbarrows that I would hire to wheelbarrow pushers she says .

    从这一点积蓄,我做独轮车,我将聘请到 手推车顶推船,她说。

  • He hadn 't anything to leave but a wheelbarrow and he left that to me .

    他什么都没撇下,只有一 推车留给我了。

  • Then why did you get the wheelbarrow from the barn ?

    那你们为什么去谷仓 拿手 推车

  • Beside him is a wheelbarrow . it 's full of leaves .

    他旁边有一 装满树叶的 手推车

  • With a heave he emptied a wheelbarrow of earth into the ditch .

    他猛一使劲儿就把一 土都倾倒到沟里了。

  • The workman was wheeling a load of bricks on a wheelbarrow .

    那工人用 手推车 搬运一车砖块。

  • And we didn 't even get to the wheelbarrow .

    我们竟然都没有 使用 手推车 姿势

  • At quitting time a man named Frank came up to the gate of the Naval Shipyard pushing a wheelbarrow with two large bags in it .

    下班时,一个名弗兰克的人推着一 手推车来到海军造船厂的门口, 手推车内装 两个大袋子。

  • I am going to bring them into the market and sell them to the Burgomaster 's daughter and buy back my wheelbarrow with the money .

    我要把它们拿到市场上去卖,卖给市长的女儿,有了钱就去赎回我的 推车

  • On the day of his retirement the man came to the guard as usual but without the wheelbarrow .

    一直到了这个男人退休的那一天,他 仍然和往常一下来到警卫 ,只是这次没有 推车