when all is said


  • ' Tis the season for Hollywood 's big blockbuster films but when all is said and done this may wall be the year of Sean Penn .

    如今正是好莱坞超级大片闪光的时候,但 尘埃落定,这也 有可能 肖恩•潘 之年

  • When a symmetrical light spot is equally incident on all the quadrants the device generates four equal currents and the spot is said to be located on the device 's electrical center .

    一束对称的光点均等地入射到 所有象限,该装置会产生的四股相等的电流,而这个光点 就会 认为处在该设备的电中心。

  • But when all is said and done economic development is the pivot .

    但是 说到最后,还是要把经济建设当作中心。

  • But when all is said and done my mother was a most remarkable woman with a strong and Sterling character .


  • Yet when all is said and done the world is at the start of a new agricultural revolution that could for the first time ever feed all mankind adequately .

    然而这个世界 毕竟 开始了一场新的农业革命,这场革命将有史以来第一次可以为全人类提供充足的食物。

  • He is a pretty good comrade when all is said and done .

    不管怎么 ,他 还是一个相当好的同志。

  • When all is said and done you can only do your best .

    说到底,你最要紧的 尽力而为。

  • But this army is not enough ; we cannot defeat the enemy by relying on it alone for when all is said and done it is not the main force .

    但是光靠这个方面军是不够的,光靠了它是不能 打胜敌人的,因为它还不是主力军。

  • When all is said and done your face time will only improve .

    一切 说完、做完 ,人们和你交谈的时间只会提高。

  • These concluding remarks should make it clear that when all is said and done our Party is a great party with the courage to face up to and correct its own mistakes .

    结语 我们党还是伟大的,勇于面对自己的错误,勇于纠正自己的错误。

  • When all is said and done we still must eat .

    可是 说到底,我们还得吃饭。

  • Leadership : When all is said and done turing an idea into an actionable goal all comes down to accepting responsibility for what you create .

    领导力:最后 把想法转变为可行的目标可以归结为,负起创造的责任。

  • When all is said and done how do you know it didn 't happen exactly as described ?

    所有这麽 说和,你怎麽知道它没有发生,正如描述的那样?

  • When all is said and done it is indeed in effect something of the ( 6 ) order of being which satisfies the Wunsch .

    一切 都做了,事实上,确实是生命实存的秩序的东西,满足了这个「欲望」。

  • When all is said and done the business value of SOA would be hard to justify to business stakeholders .

    尽管 进行了相关的工作,但SOA的业务价值将很难得到业务涉众的认可。

  • When all is said and done you need to decide what you value and make decisions based on those values .

    了, 做的也做了,您现在需要决定哪些需要重视,并据此制定决策。

  • In any event when all is said and done the use of herbs can be a fantastic step towards making you feel better and feel better about yourself .

    无论如何 毕竟,草药的使用对于使自己感觉良好会起到十分神奇的效果。

  • As the market has not been fully developed when all the projects go into production a surplus capacity is inevitable said NDRC .

    NDRC称目前市场还没达到饱和, 所有的计划都投入生产,会不可避免的产生生产过剩。

  • And Jesus said who was touching me ? And when they all said it is not I Peter and those who were with him said master the people are pushing round you on every side .

    耶稣说,摸我的是谁。众人 承认,彼得和同行的人都 ,夫子, 众人拥拥挤挤紧靠着你。有古卷在此有你还问摸我的是谁吗?

  • Thank God that in spite of our good bad or even sinful choices when all is said and done the Lord always gets us where he wants us .

    感谢神,不管我们作出明智、错误,甚至有罪的抉择 ,最后主 总是按祂的 意思把我们放置在某个地方。

  • When all is said and done something terrible has happened in the United States economy and no one should wish for such an event .

    做的 做了,该说的 了,没有人希望看到美国经济变得如此糟糕。

  • But when all is said and done when you pick up that ballot to vote you will face the clearest choice of any time in a generation .

    但是 所有 这些 的和做的,大家拿起选票的时候所面临的 我们这一代人面临的最清楚的选择。

  • When all is said and done Aion will be abetter game because of the server merge .

    永恒 将会因为合区成为一个更好的游戏。

  • But when all is said and done it 's the doers whe change this world .

    但是 说到底,改变世界的是那些付诸行动的人。