
[ˈhwɪmzɪkəl, ˈwɪm-][ˈwɪmzɪkl]


  • Mostly though whimsical applications are just good for a laugh .

    不过在多数情况下, 异想天开 求职申请只是很好的笑料而已。

  • For some artists bound books are the medium as in Stephen Doyle 's geometric sculpture ( top left ) and Su Blackwell 's whimsical one ( bottom center ) .

    对有些艺术家来说,精装书是载体,比如在斯蒂芬·道尔(StephenDoyle)的几何图形雕塑(左上)和苏·布莱克威尔(SuBlackwell) 异想天开的作品(中下)中。

  • We should dare to whimsical .

    要敢于 异想天开

  • He greeted me with one of his whimsical smiles .

    他用一种 想入非非的笑来欢迎我。

  • Despite his kindly sometimes whimsical air he was a shrewd observer ofpeople .

    尽管他有着和善、时而 古怪的神态,但他对人的观察很敏锐。

  • Wafted about on a whimsical wind they fluttered around for a long time .

    一股 怪异的风把它们吹得飘来飘去,飘了很久。

  • Which just means I 'm gonna have to get whimsical on this ficky .

    看来我得想出个 奇思妙想才行。

  • A whimsical look at how both men and women view Valentine 's Day and some basic history .

    一个 新奇视角看男男女女 的瓦伦丁节(情人节),和一些 众人皆知的历史。

  • Such situations are known as games and game-playing while sounding whimsical is serious business .

    环境变化不定时,这种情况被称为 博弈〉和博弈参与,是一件严肃的事情。

  • Mr Gale and Mr Shapley considered a whimsical problem : how to design a centralised system for allocating husbands and wives in a way that there is no possible male-female combination with a mutual desire to elope .

    盖尔和沙普利研究过一个 异想天开的问题:如何设计一套分配丈夫和妻子的中央系统,按照这种方法,没有一对男士-女士的结合会同时寻求与伴侣分手,转而与别人私奔。

  • The romantic and whimsical appeal is all but apparent in the fantasy exterior of turrets and gabled baroques .

    梦幻般的角楼和巴罗克风格的山形墙让城堡那 异想天开的浪漫魅力呼之欲出。

  • For an easter egg something fun and whimsical to overshadow the entire rest of the game was a huge problem and one that existed for far too long .

    作为一个复活节彩蛋,是有些有趣和 古怪的,使游戏剩下的内容失色是一个巨大的问题,并且他存在的太久了。

  • Especially the cat lover including also the whimsical aspect it is loved from the person probably will be .

    尤其是猫的情人,还包括了 随心所欲的角度来看,它是爱,从人也许会。

  • Depp has a lot of whimsical thoughts and that 's why Captain Jack is so different and famous .

    德普就是这样一个有着无数 怪诞想法的人,这也是他如此出名的原因。

  • His graphic art became slighter and more whimsical .

    他的平面艺术变得越来越无足轻重,越来越 异想天开

  • Products by Frost ( Papillon ) and Lafont ( Nec Plus Ultra ) feature whimsical butterfly-shaped silhouettes .

    弗罗斯特的蝴蝶( Papillon)和拉芳特的NecPlusUltra都采用造型奇特的蝴蝶型轮廓。

  • In the midst of these whimsical fancies she heard a new strange sound among the leaves .

    正在她 胡思乱想的时候,她听见树叶中 出现了一种奇怪的声音。

  • Set off on a whimsical adventure in search of your life 's true calling in My Life Story Adventures .

    掀起一个 异想天开的冒险在搜索你真实生活名叫我的生活冒险故事。

  • Whimsical name-but some serious content .

    这是个 古怪的名字,但内容非常严谨。

  • He has a comical or whimsical way of acting talking or behaving .

    他的表演、说话或和行为方式很是滑稽 离奇

  • Sometimes my goal has been whimsical in the extreme .

    有时候,我的目标 千奇百怪

  • If you love fairy tales and whimsical romances this is the perfect movie for you .

    如果你喜欢的童话故事和 异想天开的恋情,这是为您提供完美的电影。

  • They all give vivid animated performances as the tale 's whimsical assortment of seekers after wisdom .

    他们的表演生动、活泼,就像故事中各种 异想天开、追求智慧的人们那样。

  • As I found this arrow mound very interesting so I came up with this whimsical idea of playing hide-and-seek with you .

    我是看到了这里的箭垛很特殊,所以突然来了灵感想跟你 玩捉迷藏啊。

  • Through a delicate balance of color symbolism whimsical creativity and precision Master Lee transfers his own mental and physical energy into a sort of metaphoric storytelling .

    通过颜色、象徵主义、 异想天开的创造性、和精确度的精妙的平衡,李导师将他自己身心的能量转移入一种类似隐喻的故事叙述中。

  • This was really a whimsical thought and I reproved myself often for the simplicity of it .

    这实在是一个 荒唐的想法,我自己也常常责备自己思想太简单。

  • In his whimsical imagination the ants become wise and creative creatures like people and his grandfather after his death has turned into the King of ants ( Perhaps It Is a Parable ) .

    在其 古怪的想象当中,蚂蚁象人一样,变成聪明而有创造性的动物。他的“祖父,死后变成了蚁王”(《也许是寓言》)。

  • McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor his whimsical side

    麦格拉思记得他不同寻常的幽默感和他 古怪的一面。