


  • This sharp exposure a well-timed telescopic image recorded the space station during the transit against the background of the Moon 's smooth Mare Serenitatis ( Sea of Serenity ) .

    在这张清晰的望远镜影像中,拍摄到了空间站在凌月期间,背景是月球表面平滑的 澄海

  • So far the most effective way for a Kyoto signatory to cut its carbon output has been to suffer a well-timed industrial implosion as Russia did after the collapse of the Soviet Union in1991 .

    迄今为止,对《京都议定书》缔约国而言,最有效的方式 过于减少碳排放, 正好 上工业大爆炸,正如1991年苏联解体后俄罗斯所遭遇的那样。

  • Airbus 's move seems well-timed .

    空客的这步举措看起来 时机 刚刚

  • In the second-half the Chinese overwhelmed their opponents with beautiful passes and well-timed shots .

    下半场中国人以漂亮的传递和 不失时机的投篮挫败了对手。

  • With DSP technology the increase of cut-to-length precision can be obtained as it offers well-timed and high control accuracy .

    DSP技术 适时 ,控制精度高,采用DSP技术,可以提高锯切定尺精度。

  • The well-timed presentation of an ad for Chinese hotel rooms at almost the same time I was planning a trip to China was an example I 've talked about before .

    我之前 过一个例子,当我正计划去中国旅行时, 恰好就看到了中国宾馆的广告。

  • One well-timed word from you will be all it needs .

    现在需要的只是你一 适时的话。

  • He built the company through a string of well-timed acquisitions

    通过一系列 时机 恰到好处的并购,他建立了这家公司。

  • First of all ToolTips have a well-timed lag that displays the helpful information only after a user has dwelled on the item for a second or so .

    只有当使用者的鼠标放在某个 对象大约 1秒的时间后,它才会显示帮助信息。

  • Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-timed sincere words of praise .

    恰逢 其时恰如其分地表达真心的赞扬是其他一切都无法替代的。

  • And well-timed rains have supported abundant cereal crop harvests allowing US agribusiness to sell into hungry export markets .

    时宜的降雨令美国谷物获得大丰收,农业企业因而得以把谷物销往 供应 严重不足的出口市场。

  • A brief well-timed eye break can keep your eyes happy .

    适当 时机让你的眼睛休息一下 才会对眼睛更好。

  • Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen well-timed sincere words of praise . They 're absolutely free and worth a fortune .

    没有什么能够替代几句合时 合宜的、发自 内心的赞美,赞美不花费 任何 成本却能 带来无比的财富。

  • However as Mr Bruner and Mr Carr demonstrate in their well-timed book history shows that contagion has predated computers .

    然而,就象布鲁纳和卡尔在他们 时宜的著作中所 ,历史表明,早在有电脑之前就有危机传播现象了。

  • How the leader inspires the subordinate staff and whether inspiration in well-timed and opportune are closely related to the effects of inspiration .

    领导者如何有效地激励下属,激励的 时机是否恰当,直接关系到激励的效果。

  • • Bond is by no means a comedian but he knows the power of a well-timed one liner . Women are attracted to funny men because humor is a sign of intelligence .

    邦德并不是个喜剧演员但他懂得 合适 时候来点 幽默。女性很容易被有趣的男人吸引,因为幽默标志着智慧。

  • It was not well-timed .

    它们的 时机 并不

  • Practice a long well-timed and powerful breaststroke pulldown * every time you push off the wall after a breaststroke turn .

    要坚持长期练习蛙泳转身蹬壁出发后有 节奏、有力量的水下划水。

  • Counter-attacks were successful if teams could bypass the midfield quickly and make accurate well-timed final passes .

    如果能快速通过中场并精确 完成最后 一传,这样的防守反击就奏效了。

  • Even with a well-timed rate rise however the global economy is far from safe .

    不过,即便 加息 时机 拿捏 妥当,全球经济也远未安全。

  • Basing on the well-timed characteristics that the assemble language has when executing . A dynamic diversification chart in rectangular coordinate is designed for display screen .

    基于 微机 原理中汇编语言程序执行的 实时性特点,设计了在微机显示器屏幕上 直角坐标系下的动态变化图。

  • In that sense her suicide was one of the most welcome and well-timed acts that Marilyn ever succeeded in carrying through .

    在这个意义上,玛丽莲的自杀是她所曾完成的一种最受欢迎和 时宜的举动。

  • It is just for these reasons that the trip is well-timed .

    正是因为这些原因,奥巴马此行的 时机 恰到好处

  • The global downturn can be short-lived and ultimately moderate if leading countries of the world understand the need for a sensible and well-timed policy response .

    如果全球主要国家理解合理并 适时 做出政策应对的必要性,那么全球经济低迷可能只是过眼云烟,最终将趋于温和。

  • His recent re-emergence is very well-timed because there 'll be ample opportunities to impress .

    他最近 复出 恰逢 其时,因为有很多给他表现的机会。

  • Gates handed over the title of CEO to Ballmer in January 2000 displaying a knack for the well-timed exit .

    2000年1月,盖茨将首席执行官的头衔交给 鲍尔默

  • Well-timed intervention is the most important factor for a favourable result notably in patients with a proved medullary compromise .

    选择 适当 时间进行干预是获得良好疗效的重要因素,在患者脊髓顺应性 改善方面尤为明显。