
[ˈhwilˌhaʊs, ˈwil-][ˈwi:lhaʊs]


  • The sliding window could be adopted at the wheelhouse and superstructure above the freeboard deck of the vessels .

    适用于 各类船舶干舷甲板以上的甲板 和上层建筑 安装 窗。

  • During the day the Nutmeg collects energy from solar panels on the roof of the wheelhouse and from a 450-watt turbine up the mast .

    白天,肉豆蔻可以通过 舵手室里的太阳能电池板,收集太阳能,和桅杆上一个450瓦特的涡轮机。

  • The radar screen in the wheelhouse shows him every ship that is near him every piece of land every rock every buoy .

    驾驶 的荧光屏 他显示出他附近的每一只船、每一片陆地、每一块礁石、每一块浮标。

  • The hooks for wheelhouse windows can not be used to be renewed .

    驾驶 舷窗挂钩不能用,需换新。

  • Chronometers ( Crystal clock ) to be provided and installed in wheelhouse as specification .

    驾驶台天文鈡(电子钟)应 说明书内容提供与安装。

  • The position of one electric heater in wheelhouse to be changed as Chief Officer requirement .

    驾驶 电加热器应按大副要求改变位置。

  • Position the quarter panel trim extension on the wheelhouse and quarter trim panels .

    将三角板装饰伸展 移至 车轮 板和三角饰板上。

  • So the idea of writing a book was not one that was in my wheelhouse .

    所以写书这个主意对我 来说并不合适。

  • The wheelhouse was found in a somewhat similar condition as the crew cabins completely ransacked with most of the navigation and radio communication equipment having been looted .

    驾驶 的情况与普通船员房间相似,被彻底抢劫,大部分的导航及无线通讯设备被掠走。

  • I smell copper-tone . That means that Captain Linda Greenlaw a lady vain about her nose is in my wheelhouse .

    我嗅到了防晒霜的味道,这意味着高傲的琳达· 格林鲁船长在我的活动房屋里。

  • M / E can be directly remote controlled from wheelhouse monitoring room is to be arranged in E / R.

    驾驶室对主机可直接遥控, 机舱 监视室。

  • Everything is just sitting atop of the wheelhouse for the time being .

    一切只是坐在上 舵手为时间。