


  • The resistance to flow of low viscosity gas in fractured wells with high conductivity fractures decreases and flow velocity rapidly increases non-darcy flow near wellborn occurs .

    在压裂气井中,低粘气体在高导流支撑裂缝中的渗流阻力降低,渗流速度加快,气体渗流 的流动 达西流变为非 达西流。

  • The law offices of Elizabeth R. Wellborn P.A. offered no comment to Sun-Sentinel reporter Doreen Hemlock but four ex-employees tell the paper they were simply wearing their orange shirts to celebrate pay day and the upcoming Friday group happy hour .

    伊丽莎白韦尔伯恩律师事务所在接受太阳哨兵报的记者多琳海姆洛克的采访时表示无可奉告,但四名被解雇的 职员对该报说,他们穿橙色衬衣只是为了庆祝发薪日和即将到来的周五欢乐时光。

  • For consider your calling brothers that there are not many wise according to flesh not many powerful not many wellborn .

    弟兄们, 你们看你们 召的,按著肉体有智慧的不多,有 能力的不多, 出身 的也不多;

  • An analysis mathematical model of well testing is proposed for inconstant flow rate with the closed outer boundary and the wellborn storage and the skin effects .

    建立了外边界封闭 考虑 井筒储存和表皮效应下的变流率 问题的试井分析数学模型;

  • A rich and wellborn husband .

    富裕的、 出身 名门的丈夫。