weld layer

[wɛld ˈleɚ][weld ˈleiə]


  • At present in the pipeline all-position automatic welding technology restricted by the welding speed and the single-layer weld thickness is impossible to raise the welding speed and welding layer thickness for assuring welding quality .

    目前在用的管道全位置自动焊技术,因受焊接速度和单层 焊接厚度的制约,在保证焊接质量的前提下,已不可能再提高焊接速度和焊 厚度。

  • Local yield zone occurred at the weld toe of the liner the annulus and the first strength layer .

    内衬层、盲板层及第一强度 层板 趾处发生局部屈服。

  • The results showed that the low-temp toughness of weld metal could be improved markedly through the welding method of two beads per layer so that the recrystallization occurred in the middle zone of weld .

    结果表明:通过采用每 两道的焊接工艺,使对接焊缝中心部位全部发生重结晶,是 焊缝金属低温韧性提高的关键。

  • To discover the influence on the weld index and the weld layer decided by the technological parameters the optimum technological parameters and technological measures were formulated .

    本研究制定了等离子 堆焊的最佳工艺参数及工艺措施,探讨了工艺参数对堆焊工艺指标及 堆焊 质量的影响;

  • When considering the impact of temperature the heavy weld stress generally increased and the maximum stress transfer to the annulus layer .

    考虑温度的影响时,除内衬外, 层板的应力普遍升高,最高应力值向盲板 转移。

  • Carbon migration induces the formation of carbon-enriched layer in the austenitic weld metal and carbon-denuded layer in the Cr-Mo steels base metals .

    碳扩散的结果是在紧邻熔合界面的 焊缝金属一侧形成高硬度的增碳 ,母材金属一侧产生硬度较低的贫碳层。

  • The action of multilayer weld thermal cycle as the postweld heat treatment causes the carbon diffusion and carbide precipitation etc in weld bond of former welding layer .

    另外焊接重热作用可以象焊后热处理一样引起前一焊 熔合 发生碳扩散和碳化物析出等现象。

  • The swing of welding stick during the welding process can improve the welding efficiency increase the weld width and lower weld layer thickness .

    焊接过程中的焊丝摆动,可以提高焊接效率、增加焊道宽度、降低 厚度。

  • Abstract On second time overall inspection of the interior and exterior of the reactor it was found that cracks apear on the surface of weld deposit layer large area of the deposit layer are stripped and cracks appear on the 18-8 flange seal groove of reactor outlet .

    反应器的第二次内外部全面检验,发现了堆焊层表面裂纹、 堆焊 的大面积剥离、反应器出口18-8法兰密封槽裂纹。

  • A further Study for the Turney of the Thermal Spraying Weld Layer

    热喷涂 车削加工工艺的探讨

  • Weld microstructure under different powder was observanted . Distribution of main elements and phase composition of the interfacial reaction layer were detected .

    观察不同粉末作用下的 焊缝微观组织,测试了主要元素的分布情况和界面反应 的物相组成。

  • Through analyze the quality of weld surface and weld section surface mechanical properties and micro-structure analysis the influence of welding process parameters and clearance on welding quality of three layer board welding was obtained .

    通过焊缝表面 成形质量分析, 焊缝截面形貌分析,力学性能及金相组织分析,得出了焊接工艺参数及上下间隙对三 层板的焊接质量影响规律。

  • In addition microstructures showed that under same bonding parameters weld thickness related in some way to the thickness of reaction layer .

    在相同连接规范下, 厚度与反应 厚度之间也存在一定的关系。

  • TiO2 with high melting point was brought into the weld pool on the influence of lorentz force and at the same time the gas escaped easily from the weld pool as a result amount of pores was decreased in hardfacing layer and formability was improved significantly .

    由于在施加磁场过程中受洛伦兹力影响,高熔点的TiO2被带入熔池,同时在电磁搅拌作用下, 池内气体容易溢出,因而堆焊 内气孔减少,成形性得到明显改善。

  • Compared with the conventional post grinding process for the weld layer the effect of TIG surface remelting process on cavitation erosion resistance was investigated .

    通过与传统磨削 表面加工对比,研究了 TIG表面重熔对空泡腐蚀的影响。

  • The result indicated that proper electromagnetic field not only can refine the weld metal grain of surfacing layer but electromagnetic stirring can increase the hardness and wear resistance of the surfacing layer metal then the comprehensive mechanics properties of surfacing layer metal are improved .

    结果表明,引入适当的外加磁场不仅可以细化堆焊 金属 组织的晶粒,而且由磁场产生的电磁搅拌能够提高堆焊层金属的硬度和耐磨性,从而提高堆焊层金属的综合力学性能。

  • To enhance the service life of the continuous casting roller the method which is widely applied currently is to weld a layer of the dissimilar metal on the surface of the roller to achieve the local optimization .

    为提高连铸辊的使用寿命,目前使用最广泛的方法是在辊子表面 堆焊异种金属以达到局部优化。

  • When heat input is controlled reasonably toe of weld is cleaned thoroughly and molten pool is protected rationally the non-defect surfacing layer with big thickness and area can be acquired .

    合理控制堆焊热输入、对 焊道 趾部位的清理,以及堆焊过程中对熔池采取合理的保护,可获得无缺陷的大厚度、大面积堆焊

  • Through the weld hardness testing the fusion line area and intermetallic compound layer area is the lowest parts of the welded joint strength .

    通过 焊接 接头硬度测试可知,熔合线区域和金属间化合物 区域是焊接接头强度最低的部分。

  • The development of union melt welding high abrasion weld layer flux

    埋弧自动焊高耐磨 堆焊 焊剂的研制

  • This study indicated that the reinforcing phases in the composite layer were mainly Fe 2B that was formed by chemical and metallurgical reactions in the weld pool . The bonding between the composite layer and base metal was metallurgical .

    研究表明,复合层中的强化相主要是反应生成的 Fe2B,复合 与基体之间为冶金结合。

  • The paper points out while working temperature at weld seam is more than 250 ℃ The lead-plating layer thickness shall be up to 5 μ m and more .

    指出当 焊缝处工作温度在250℃以上时,其镀铝 厚度应达到5μm以上。

  • The power supply of AC TIG welding can be used to weld aluminium and magnesium which surface has a firm oxide layer .

    交流TIG焊接电源可用来 焊接铝、镁等表面有致密 氧化膜的金属。

  • A new welding method which can be used in the welding of metal and ceramic with gradient weld layer between them was investigated by means of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis ( SHS ) technique with the emphasis on the gradient weld preparation process .

    本文将自蔓延高温合成(SHS)技术与焊接技术相结合,探索了用梯度 材料焊缝的陶瓷与金属焊接的新途径,着重研究了梯度 焊缝的制备工艺。

  • It is indispensable to weld twice in adhesive bonded Mg / Al samples with thicker adhesive layer under proper technological parameters .

    激光胶接 较厚 胶层的镁合金和铝合金异种 材料,镁、铝合金胶 接头需采用两道 工艺,在合适的参数下才能使其成功 焊接

  • The fine Zn-rich phases uniformly distributed in the weld could enhance the joint strength ; however the coarse Zn-rich phases along the interfacial layer would degrade the bonding strength of the interfacial layer .

    均匀分布于 焊缝的细小富-Zn相能增强接头的强度,而界面层附近粗大的富-Zn相会降低界面 的连接强度。

  • By corrosion the elements in the surface of weld zone did not significant changed no lithium-lead penetrated is inside corrosion layer became more uniform .

    态下CLAM钢经腐蚀后, 焊缝区表面元素无明显变化,内部无锂铅元素渗透,腐蚀 较为均匀。