wideband channel


  • A wideband correlated MIMO wireless channel model is introduced .

    介绍了 宽带相关MIMO 信道模型。

  • These simulators are based on DSP implementation for narrow-band HF channel in domestic and the parallel signal processing capabilities is relatively poor . The research goal of this paper is to achieve a reconfigurable wideband HF channel simulator whose core processing unit is FPGA .

    国内多以DSP为核心处理器实现窄带短波信道模拟器,其并行信号处理能力比较差,本文以FPGA为核心处理单元,实现一款可重配置的 宽带短波 信道模拟器。

  • Chapter 2 describes the characteristics of wireless channel presents vector channel model for wideband CDMA systems and emphasizes on the characteristics of indoor wireless channel .

    第二章描述了无线信道的特点,给出了 宽带CDMA系统的矢量信道模型,并着重分析了室内无线 信道的特征。

  • Secondly based on the wideband detector model wideband radiometer channel model is also established .

    第二,基于宽带检波器模型,进一步建立了 宽带辐射计 通道模型。

  • Considering the features of RITs and based on the wideband multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) channel measurements this thesis focuses on the investigation of delay propagation characteristics of wideband channel as well as the application of MIMO technology in IMT-Advanced system .

    本论文考察了IMT-Advanced系统的技术特点,基于宽带MIMO(Multiple-inputMultiple-Output)信道测量,重点研究面向IMT-Advanced系统的 宽带 无线 信道的时延传播特性,以及MIMO技术的应用。

  • As the key parameters to reflect the wideband channel characteristics the parameters involved delay propagation play an important role in the design of multiple carries systems .

    时延特征参数作为反应 无线 信道 宽带特性的关键参数,对多载波系统的设计具有重要的指导意义。

  • The wideband MIMO channel can be modeled as a tapped delay line and an exponential multipath intensity profile ( MIP ) is assumed .

    假定 宽带MIMO 信道可用抽头延迟线来模拟并具有指数型多径强度轮廓。

  • This thesis firstly analyzes the characters of wideband wireless channel in brief and points out that the wideband wireless channel has double selectivity which are time selectivity and frequency selectivity .

    本文首先简单的分析了 宽带无线 信道的特点,指出宽带无线信道是一种同时存在时间选择性和频率选择性的双选择性信道。

  • Pilot symbol-assisted channel estimation under Rayleigh fading channel in wideband code division multiple access ( WCDMA ) is investigated . Application of regression algorithm in channel estimation is presented .

    研究 宽带码分多址系统中瑞利衰落信道下使用导频符号辅助信道估计的方法,并提出应用回归算法改进 信道估计。

  • Multiuser Detection for Wideband Code Division Multiple Access Systems Based on Blind Uplink Channel Estimation

    基于上行 信道盲估计的 宽带码分多址多用户检测器

  • The proposed method was used in a realistic low voltage power lines with wideband coupling amplifier which formed a nonlinear channel for the experiments .

    为了验证所提出的非线性 均衡方法的有效性,选取具有 宽带耦合放大器的实际低压电力线 通信PLC信道作为实验用非线性 信道 模型

  • On the ground of the channel statistical characteristic this paper introduces a new wideband channel model ITS channel model which is used by the emulation .

    本文从信道的统计特性出发,介绍了仿真研究所用的一种新的 电离层 宽带 信道数学模型&ITS模型。

  • The basic principle of OFDM is to divide a wideband frequency channel into several overlapping subchannels .

    OFDM的基本原理是将频域中的一个 宽带 信道划分成多个重叠的子信道并行地进行窄带传输,每个子信道上用一个子载波承载数据。

  • Parameter estimation method for wideband high frequency channel

    高频 宽带 信道的一种参数化估计方法

  • Research on Wideband High Frequency Channel Simulator

    短波 宽带 信道模拟器研究

  • Research and Simulation of Wideband High Frequency Channel Modeling

    宽带短波 信道建模方法的研究与仿真

  • Proposes a variable rate modulation scheme for wideband data transmission on the Rayleigh fading channel to improve the spectral efficiency .

    探讨了 宽带移动通信传播环境中,瑞利衰落 信道对固定速率调制的影响,并研究了变速率调制在宽带瑞利衰落信道中的可行性。

  • Burst data transfer over a wideband HF channel provides subscribers an emergency communication mode .

    短波 宽带 信道中突发数据的传输,为用户提供了一种应急通信的方式。

  • New model for frequency hopping wideband Rayleigh fading channels 1Ms / s symbol rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth .

    一种新的跳频 宽带瑞利衰落信道模型以每秒1M个码元的字符速率传输,充分利用 信道的最大有效带宽。

  • Modeling and Simulation of Wideband Shortwave Channel Based on ITS Model

    基于ITS模型的短波 宽带 信道建模与仿真

  • The performance results show that the scale-delay Rake exploits greater diversity than the traditional delay only Rake receiver in the wideband time-variant channel .

    分析表明,在 宽带时变 信道下,相对传统时延Rake接收机能够产生较大的分集增益。

  • Comparison of Wideband Channel Models in HF Communication

    短波通信中的 宽带 信道建模方法与比较

  • Because of its ultra wideband channel the transmission data rate of UWB can be as high as 500 Mb / s which is much faster than other short range communication systems .

    UWB由于采用超 宽带 信道技术,传输速率可高达500Mb/s,是其他短距离无线通信系统无法比拟的。

  • The method of using a single wideband facility to transmit many relatively narrow-bandwidth signals by subdividing the frequency spectrum used in the wideband channel .

    使用单个宽带设备传送许多窄带信号的方法。它是通过细分 宽带 通道上的频谱来实现的。

  • The virtual wideband high frequency channel simulator is designed and realized .

    设计并实现了虚拟 宽带高频 信道模拟器。

  • Real-Time Measurement of Slow Fading Signal in Wideband Fading Channel

    宽带衰落 信道中慢衰落信号的实时测量

  • Calibration and Compensation of Wideband Digital Vector Modulation Channel

    宽带数字矢量调制 通道的校准与补偿

  • This paper proposes a simulation structure for aeronautical wideband frequency-selective channel which features ground-air and air-air wireless links .

    在对航空 信道物理特性分析的基础上,提出了一个适用于空-空、地-空无线链路的 宽带频率选择性衰落频域 信道仿真器。

  • Modeling and Simulation of ITS Wideband High Frequency Channel and Its Noise

    ITS 宽带短波 信道及其噪声的建模和仿真