


  • Lease sounding device big-sized wigwam table chair stage exhibition board dishware and drinking-cup for dining and meeting .

    租赁音响设备,大型活动 帐蓬,就餐及会议用桌椅,舞台,展板餐具酒杯等。

  • Mr Dewey and Mrs Dewey have a small wigwam .

    杜威先生和杜威太太有一个 小棚

  • There is in the synagogue in the mosque in the pagoda in the wigwam a hideous side which we execrate and a sublime side which we adore .

    圣殿、清真寺、菩萨庙、神舍,所有那些地方都有它丑恶的一面,是我们所唾弃的,同时也有它 卓绝的一面,是我们所崇敬的。

  • Bet you 're missing her and that little wigwam of yours .

    他一定想她了,还有你们 温馨 茅屋

  • Would the savage have been wise to exchange his wigwam for a palace on these terms ?

    野蛮人 懂得,在这样的条件 底下他的 来换 一座皇宫呢?

  • I wanna go to sammy 's wigwam .

    我要去那个山姆 小棚

  • The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam .

    完成了皇宫上的飞檐,入晚回家的石工,大约是回到一个 不如的 草棚里。