wild goose

[waɪld ɡus][waild ɡu:s]


  • The factory according to actual situation of wild goose pagoda square explored the landscape design .

    本厂根据 雁塔广场实际情况艺术地对该广场造景设计进行了探索。

  • It looks like this is nothing but a wild goose chase .

    野鹅 我们找路还来 不及呢,哪还有时间去追 野鹅

  • But with the central market the Yang great wild goose hereafter maintains the smalltalk the behavior has the question to point out .

    而和中央商场, 杨鸿此后保持客套的行为,有问题就指出。

  • Yes there are plenty of them . We here the Big Wild Goose Pagoda as well as the Small Wild Goose Pagoda Ming Dynasty City Wall and Hua Qing Hot Spring .

    导游:当然,大 雁塔、小雁塔、明代城墙和华清池等,可看的地方多着呢。

  • You 're led on a wild goose chase if you look for an apartment in the papers .

    如果你指望通过报纸找到公寓,那是 白费劲。

  • Warmly celebrate our factory in xi'an wild goose pagoda square bright project to a successful conclusion .

    热烈庆祝本厂在西安 雁塔广场亮化工程获得圆满成功。

  • Harry wondered if Potts had deliberately sent him on a wild goose chase .

    哈里疑心 波茨故意让他白费力气地瞎找一通。

  • Therewere several dozen varieties of fowl such as the chicken peasant sparrow and wild goose ;


  • The breeze leads to stay a voice the wild goose leads to stay trace .

    风过留声, 过留痕。

  • Son of the wild goose Kevin Egan of Paris .

    巴黎的“ 野鹅”凯文·伊根的儿子。

  • To explain this batch of tree lights successful become another classic wild goose pagoda square attractions .

    足以说明该批树灯成功的成为 雁塔广场的又一经典景点之一。

  • Where is now Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty ( What we know is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda )?

    唐僧今在哪里(空余大 雁塔)?

  • Common grayish-brown wild goose of North America .

    北美洲普通的灰褐色 野鹅

  • Yes this is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather .

    是的,这把是用 大雁羽毛做的,这把是用云雀羽毛做的。

  • Starting from the living wisdom of wild gooses this paper points out that the library should learn the wild goose spirit and cultivate more abundant connotation of professional spirit .

    从大雁的生存智慧出发,指出图书馆应学习 大雁精神,培养更加丰富的职业精神内涵。

  • In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose .

    打猎时他射下一 大雁

  • Wild goose goose and wild goose fine long hair are actually irrelevant more what is what unlike conduct propaganda says precious is rare rare animal .

    实际上 大雁鹅与大雁毫不相干,更不像宣传所说是什么“珍稀名贵动物”。

  • A firefly brightens itself a wild goose does not fly lonely .

    萤仅自照, 不孤行。

  • The Yangzhou Great wild goose Honest Small dish Shape Spring Factory is one of outstanding people .

    扬州 鸿诚碟形弹簧厂更是其中的佼佼者之一。

  • I think that search is a wild goose chase and that the best we can do is to identify empirical regularities that apply to particular contexts .

    我认为,搜寻这一结构的努力是 白费力气;我们能够尽力而为的,是找出适用于特定环境的经验性规律。

  • When he was talking to himself an exhausted wild goose fell down in front of him .

    话还未完,一只耗尽体力的 大雁坠落在他面前。

  • Common gray wild goose of Europe ; ancestor of many domestic breeds .

    普通的欧洲灰色 野鹅;是许多家养品种的祖先。

  • The Small Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Jianfu Temple one kilometer south from the downtown area .

    在西安城南1公里处的荐福寺内,有一座典型的密檐式佛塔叫做小 雁塔,它和大雁塔交相辉映。

  • The wondering boy envies the wild goose .


  • I am like a wild goose from the south having strayed from its flock .

    我好比南来 失群飞散。

  • The reporter was sent on a wild goose chase for the monster he was to investigate had never really existed .

    记者被派了 去作 徒劳无益的调查,因为他要查寻的怪物根本不存在。

  • Very large wild goose of northeast Asia ; interbreeds freely with the graylag .

    亚洲东北部非常大的 野鹅;与灰雁自由杂交。

  • The Wild Goose Pagoda was dimly visible .


  • Upon a wild goose wing .


  • Demands the purchase power for this reason the Yang great wild goose lawsuit to the court .
