will copy

[wɪl ˈkɑpi][wil ˈkɔpi]

[法] 遗嘱副本立遗嘱, 遗嘱赠与, 立志

  • Click any cell and drag will copy the state of the clicked cells to others .

    在任何一格上按住滑鼠左键并拖曳,可 该格之状态 复制至其它格子。

  • Otherwise everyone will copy each other and destroy the industry .

    否则大家 互相 抄袭,摧毁这个行业。

  • Do not use a bit-image method of backup ( like a tape streamer ) because this will copy the virus .

    不要使用位元影像的方法(如磁带机)备份,因为这样 病毒一起 拷贝下来。

  • This will copy the different softwares installed from the global zone to the newly created zone .

    全局专区中安装的不同软件 复制到新创建的专区。

  • For this walkthrough you will copy an address from the web and paste it into the work item .

    对于本演练,您 从web 复制地址并粘贴到工作项中。

  • This will copy the layer into the original file .

    在第一 图片文件上 复制出新的图层。

  • The item that this method will copy metadata to .

    此方法 元数据 复制到的项。

  • That no one has done before and that no one will copy again throughout human existence .

    那些在人类史上从来没有人做过也不会有人 可以 重复的事情。

  • File is in the Qing Dynasty Manchu state organs and officials at all levels with documents written in Manchu will copy files and documents and plans registered membership and so on .

    满文档案是指清代各级国家机关及官员用满文书写的公文和公文 档册以及图籍等。

  • And they will copy your style .

    他们 模仿你的风格。

  • Publishing will copy this manifest to the publishing location that you set above .

    发布时 此清单 复制到您在上面设置的发布位置。

  • The deployment bundle is the folder that you will copy to the destination computer and use to install packages .

    部署捆绑是 复制到目标计算机并用来安装包的文件夹。

  • To isolate the elements that are applicable to your particular messaging situation the Rational Software Architect CIM extensions offer a model transformation that will copy various selected elements to the third model in the suggested modeling structure .

    为了隔离适用于您的特定消息场景的元素,RationalSoftwareArchitect的CIM扩展提供了一个模式转换, 选定的各种元素 复制到所建议建模结构中的第三个模型。

  • This will copy the hosts file to the / etc directory on each host .

    此命令 hosts文件 拷贝到局域网上这些计算机的/etc目录下。

  • And mama will copy it out on paper for you .

    妈妈 到纸上。

  • SYS will copy the data to its own buffers as long as there is no outstanding data to receive from the application and as long as the SO_RCVBUF setting is not exceeded .

    只要不用从应用程序那里接收大量的数据,而且没有超出SORCVBUF设定的值,AFD.SYS 数据先 拷贝到其内部缓冲区中。

  • And because they are visible it is even sadder that others will copy them and the system is soon replicated .

    而且,由于别人看得到他们,更遗憾的是别人 模仿他们,这样的体制很快就会得到复制。

  • This approach uses a irus to infect a bacterium so the bacterium will copy the irus .

    这个方法使用一个病毒感染一个细菌,这样细菌 可以 复制病毒。

  • This will copy the linguistics scripts and your new fishmonger script to the emulator or an attached device .

    这条命令 linguistics脚本和您的新fishmonger脚本 复制到模拟器或一个已连接设备。

  • Please give me your passport we will copy and they will check inside .

    请给我护照,我们 复印,里面柜员将核对信息。

  • If the message is a PRL update message UIM will copy the PRL message into the internal PRL buffer zone .

    若此消息是一个prl更新消息,则uim prl更新消息 复制到内部prl缓冲区中。

  • Now you will copy the relevant files into the impl sub-directory under the application directory sample_spl to make the application self-contained .

    现在,您 相关文件 复制到应用程序目录samplespl下的impl子目录中,使应用程序成为自含应用程序。

  • A minor collection will copy live objects from Eden and one of the survivor semi-spaces into the other survivor space potentially promoting some objects to the older generation .

    小的收集 活的对象从Eden和一个生存半空间 复制到另一个生存半空间,并可能提升一些对象到老的代。

  • When faced with this idea the temptation is to assume that you need some sort of distribution or replication mechanism that will copy the key / value pairs between the machines .

    有了这个想法后,还有一种想当然是需要使用某种分配或复制机制 在机器之间 复制键/值对。