


  • And even more incredible is the bar at the top of the mountain run by a long haired wild-eyed Barba nicknamed after the Hollywood muscleman John Claude Van Dam .

    更让你难于置信的是,山顶酒吧的经营者的竟是一位长头发 眼睛的巴尔拜人,他的绰号是以好莱坞的打手约翰•克劳德•范•达姆命名的。

  • It 's rotten and it 's wild-eyed ; it 's dirty from start to finish .

    这事真卑鄙, 荒唐 透顶,彻头彻尾的肮脏。

  • It was the same judy wild-eyed dreamy volatile asever .

    还是那个朱迪,跟 以往一样,眼睛睁得大大的,爱幻想,情绪变化无常。

  • He returned to Spain with gold cotton strange beasts and two wild-eyed painted Indians to be baptised .

    他带着金子、棉花以及奇怪的动物回到西班牙, 此外 带来两个 怒目而视、涂 颜料、没有受洗过的印第安人。

  • As quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood ; a romantic disregard for money ; a wild-eyed dream of a world state .

    象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际;对金钱不切实际的漠视;对世界大同的 不切实际的梦想。

  • The dripping of water you find throughout the Caverns is a reminder of this constant growth the beauty of which is shared with thousands of wild-eyed visitors each year .

    您在洞中看到的滴水就是 宝石 不断成长的见证,这一奇观使得每年数以千计的参观者 叹为观止