



  • She wore a new hairpiece every day and was considered a big wig .

    她每天都戴着新假发,以为自己是个大 人物

  • When you came in here I 'll stake my wig you meant more than this .

    当你一走进这里,我敢拿我的 假发 打赌,你想说的不只这些。

  • The monkey caught at her wig and puued it off .

    猴子抓住了她的 假发,把它扯了下来。

  • She wore glasses and a wig as a disguise .

    她用眼镜和 假发伪装起来。

  • She disguised herself with a blonde wig and dark glasses .

    她乔装打扮戴着金色 假发和墨镜。

  • And in fact it 's not a woman but a man wearing a horse-haired wig .

    事实上,这并不是一个女人,而是一个带这乌宗 假发的男人。

  • My wife was wearing a wig .

    我太太戴着一 假发

  • He disguised himself with a wig and false beard .

    他用 假发和假胡须来乔装。

  • Baby sally named for her aunt gurgled and pulled at franklin 's white wig .

    小萨利用了她姑姑的名字,她咯咯地笑着,拉着富兰克林的白色 假发

  • Looks like he got rid of a lot more than the wig .

    好像他不只扔掉了 上的 假发

  • His hat was brushed ; his wig was trim ; his neckcloth was perfectly tied .

    他的帽子刷过了,他的 假发很整齐,他的颈巾端端正正。

  • Fortunately your WIGs can find you .

    幸运地是,你的 WIG能找着你。

  • Are you asking meif I 'm wearing a wig ?

    在问我有没有戴 假发

  • You see the fellow in the wig ?

    看见那个 假发的了吗?

  • Now if you 'll excuse me I have to find my wig and bronzer .

    请原谅,现在我不得不寻找 假发和古铜色化妆品了。

  • I 'm thinking doll wig maybe fake fur .

    我想可能是玩具, 假发,也许是人造毛皮。

  • It is not enough if you own a wig hairpiece .

    这是不够的,如果您有自己的 假发假发。

  • Wally Wrinkle wriggles his white wrinkled wig .

    WallyWrinkle扭动着他皱皱的白色 假发

  • I guess I could wear a wig till my hair grows longer .

    我想我大概会戴 假发,直到头发留长为止。

  • The judge wore a wig and all the trappings of his position .

    法官戴了 假发和全套代表他那个地位的服饰。

  • A strong wind suddenly blew his wig off .

    突然,刮起了大风,把他的 假发吹得 无影无踪(假的就是 假的 要是 头发给吹走了才成 新闻呢)。

  • He disguised himself by wearing a wig and beard .

    他利用戴 假发、粘胡须的办法进行了自我伪装。

  • Once you 've written your WIG the real work begins .

    一旦你写下了你的 WIG,真正的工作就开始了。

  • 1 she put on a wig and sunglasses as a disguise .

    她带 假发和太阳眼镜来伪装。

  • When he put on the wig and false moustache I could have died .

    他戴上 假发和假胡须时,真把我笑坏了。

  • A green t-shirt and maybe a pink wig .

    一件绿T恤,戴一个粉红色的 假发

  • Are you wearing a wig ?

    你是不是戴了个 假发

  • Sorry ! I should wash my wig .

    对不起,我的 假发该洗了。

  • The Blonde wig completely altered her appearance .

    金黄色的 假发完全改变了好的外貌。

  • The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair .

    那个女演员戴一 黑色 假发 罩住自己的金黄色头发。